Looking to trade my perfect cherries for other perfect fruit please.
-3 full baskets of perfect cherries=3 full baskets of perfect apples -3 full baskets of perfect cherries=3 full baskets of perfect oranges
-3 full baskets of perfect cherries=3 full baskets of perfect peaches
-3 full baskets of perfect cherries=3 full baskets of perfect pears
I've got perfect pears out the wazoo. I have 80 full bushels of perfect fruit and that's not even counting what's still on the trees. I'd be willing to part with them for other perfect fruit.
Though for hoarding sake, i'm also going for...
A full bushel of Perfect Apples
A full bushel of Perfect Oranges and a full bushel of Perfect Cherries
I always have lots of perfect cherries in my town archives (my museum display room turned landscaping storage room)
PM me if you would like to trade a basket for a basket. I will trade for any other perfect fruit.
Hey everyone!!! I have soooooooo many full baskets of perfect peaches!!!! If you have a large quantity of baskets of ANY OTHER PERFECT FRUIT. Send me a private or visitor messages as soon as possible!!!
Does anyone have perfect Apples to trade? That's the last perfect fruit i don't have. I'd like to trade for at least one full bushel, but of course i can trade for a lot more than that. Of course, i have perfect pears to trade, so please PM me if you want to trade!