The perfect smug for me?


Openly Wolfing
Jun 21, 2014
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Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Recently since Julian moved away by surprise I've been without a smug I have someone offering me Kyle but im not sure who do you think would be a great smug for my
WHAT ABOUT CHADDER?!???!?? If you absolutely need a smug why not try a mouse that's MADE OF CHEESE! The irony is strong with this one!

and how can you not love him when he listens to DUBSTEP MAN DUBSTEP :p

View attachment 64158
note: not my pic
Mm, depends on what animals you like, or what villagers you think are best designed, I suppose, since it comes down to aesthetics. Among the smugs, I think Keaton the eagle is well designed, but I am not sure if you even like eagles, or can stand a blue and yellow color palette.
Shep is my favorite smug. <3 I also like Colton and Zell though. :)
Does your town has a theme or something like that? Maybe that could help for your choice...
My town really has no theme I have villagers from my Japanese mouse to an Egyptian cat to an Australian kanagroo to a flamboyant Wolfgang to much more

- - - Post Merge - - -

Now that I think about it Kyle and Wolfgang would make a cute couple so maybe I'll take Kyle
Kyle looks badass, that's for sure, he'd look well with Wolfgang.
If you somehow don't end up with Kyle, Curlos is cool if you want to add up a latino to your town haha.Lucha and Eugene are kinda like Kyle too. But to me the most original smug villager is Graham, I mean he's quite like an nolife/otaku who fails at flirting. And his room is cool, I totally love the fact that he has a CD with Francine and Chrissy haha. I think I should stop ranting about him xD.
And Zell has a nice design too.
WHAT ABOUT CHADDER?!???!?? If you absolutely need a smug why not try a mouse that's MADE OF CHEESE! The irony is strong with this one!

and how can you not love him when he listens to DUBSTEP MAN DUBSTEP :p

View attachment 64158
note: not my pic
Yes! Chadder is super awesome, yet I only found out about him a couple of weeks ago. If I'd known about him when I had my old town, he'd definitely have been a dreamie of mine.
Beardo is Love
Beardo is Life

you can tell by my sig I'm into these two like a fly to honey but seriously Colton is exactly like Julian only less uptight and more laid-back. Sorry to hear about Julian, man :c