The Person Below Me...

I honestly don't think so. My music library has over 5,000 albums, but many are incomplete (I cherry picked the good songs) or some are single-only releases counted as albums. More albums are seeing completion as time goes by.

The person below me refuses to hit their villagers with a net.
Nah, the other way round
Ironically, your profile is currently apple themed. XDDD

I do not do it too often, but I do not flat out refuse to regardless of the villager -- only my favorites.

The person below me has a corkboard in their room.
Ironically, your profile is currently apple themed. XDDD

I do not do it too often, but I do not flat out refuse to regardless of the villager -- only my favorites.

The person below me has a corkboard in their room.
Apples may not be my favourite, but I am willing to fully commit to whatever theme the rng overlords choose to bestow upon me 🙏

But I do not, I do have a whiteboard hidden behind my wardrobe that I use sometimes though

The person below me likes avocado
I do like guacamole (without the pico de gallo) if that counts. ^^

The next poster has a keyboard that lights up.
Yes! Came 30-somethingth, which I'm happy with considering how long its been since I last played nl

The person below me is wearing something blue right now
Never, and I don't expect to anytime soon lol

The person below me has a habit of licking their lips a lot.
No, but I have other anxious ticks. I rub my face a lot and play with my hair.

Person below likes many musical genres.
That's quite correct. While there are some I like better then others, I've always been of the opinion that a song should at least be listened to once before saying if you do or don't like it, never mind what it's classified as. As a result, my music genre's do tend to be varied. XP

The person below me loves seafood.
Only certain kinds, I like crustacean and some fish, but a lot of salt water fish is kinda weird to me LOL

The person below me likes to paint their nails
Nope. All the pets belong to mom or the shelter.

The person below me loves pink.
I never had.

The person below me has or once attempted to learn and play a musical instrument.