The Person Below Me...

Yeah, mostly flavored Mtn Dew...Baja Blast in particular.

The person below me has experienced sleep paralysis at least once.
No. I guess I should be thankful, but ngl I am kinda curious as to what it’s like.

The person below me has lucid dreamt before.
A few times, it’s pretty cool.

The person below me is participating in the event that’s going on right now.
I came at the perfect time. (In other words, yes I can draw.)

The person below me is working on a contest entry for the TBT Fair!
I might do one of them, though I don’t know for sure yet. I’m doing the smaller events in the meantime.

The person below me has a birthday coming up soon!
Eh, not really. I can't hold a note for a long time.

The person below me has participated in multiple TBT Fair events.
Nope, this is my first one, as you can tell from my join date.

The person below can play piano.
I don’t even have a PC…

The person below me has been to the beach before I didn’t even notice alliteration.
Yep! It's been years though...probably close to 20? Yeah.

The person below me is allergic to something.