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The personality type you want for future games?


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Pear (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Winter Mittens
I have been very pleased with the Uchi & Smug creations in New Leaf.

I like how there are personality umbrellas, but each character varies on a spectrum of how they are under that category.
e.g. Snooty characters from Freya (really polite & sweet) to other snooties who are just super-snooty & not that nice at all!

The type I would love for the next game is called "Sage" or "Floaty/Wise" Type. It's it's own unique type, and not just a repetition/slight variation of types that already exist.

They range from a spectrum of serious sage-like characters with white hair & pearls of wisdom, to younger characters who are peaceful & quirky with pastel coloured hair, somewhat wise, and gentle nature---but a little floaty & not as practical or house-wifey as the "normal/nice" types are.

So they could be older characters, or young ones who have this "reincarnated many times" kinda vibe.

Designs could vary from looking like Luna, Lionel, Nan, or even sort of like Skye (pastel) but more elegant. (she's cute, but not elegant)
Most can be noted by white/pastel hair, or houses that have a rocking chair or aroma pot or a dream catcher in them (depending if they were older or just a Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter reference) type)

This would mean more arty characters (or they could make more Uchis, but tone down some of them so they are still quirky, but less aggressive/blunt), as well as more "older" characters.
They are distinctive from the other types, older "cranky" & "snooty" types are somewhat parental at times, these are more like a really wise child, or grandparent. Some are just eccentric in a pleasant way.

I really like how they (Nintendo) have slowly created each personality type to avoid repetition & minor variations--as each type is really distinctive.
I wouldn't want it to be like Pok?mon where it starts of creative & unique, and then ends up icecreams & trashbags... (as amusing as they are, they sure aren't Bulbasaur)

Do you have any distinctive type in your head? (that hasn't already been covered for the most part by the other types.)
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I love your idea for Sage villagers - it's really creative.

Personally, I'd like a male type called 'Studious', a sort of shy, polite, reserved and very intelligent personality. Not nerdy or geeky per se, but just a smart and thoughtful. Sort of like an honour roll student or a young professor.

Also, can I be honest? In future games, I'd like them to tone down the smug personality. I'm not comfortable with male villagers being interested in my character.
I like your idea of the "Wise" personality.

As for my idea, I always thought that an "Eccentric" personality type would be pretty neat. Eccentric means they act unconventionally or slightly unusual/strange.

It would be a Male villager personality. It would be similar to the Peppy personality for females, being they would be a little on the hyper/energetic side, but they would act unusual at times, similiar to how Lazy villagers could act.
I like both of these. :)

I wish they would tone down some of the Uchi personality in future games... so that at least 30% of the Uchi were...not so blunt....so they are quirky & cute & independent----but do they have to be so mean?

It would be nice to have some Uchis halfway between Uchi & Nice or Uchi & Peppy.

That is not a new personality type, or creative, it's still called "Uchi", but just make some more variety under each umbrella as well as new types.

So there could be romantic "smugs" but they don't have to be flirty. :) That (expanding the variation under the original types) would be a great addition too.
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I would like uchis but as boys
Because uchi means big sister
so add uchi but as boy to act like big brother
Yeah I'd love a nerdy/smart personality that's a little less motherly than the normals. I'd also love to see all the personalities having characters of both genders! Why not have a female lazy or a male uchi?
I would like to see a Kiddy personality. Like have new animals with this personality and they act all energetic and are constantly around town playing games and constantly coming up to you to talk with you. Their rooms would be based off of gender (so for guys its more of arcade games and weight lifting and for girls its dolly and salon like)
I like the ideas of sages, scholars and big brother types but I would rather not see any of the current personalities toned down or changed, really, unless certain aspects were the focus of NEW personalities and it was part of the balancing process.
Oo, I like all the ideas. I want to see probably a rude/mean type and honest type I guess. Just so it could spice the game up a bit and maybe for entertainment purposes, but yeah the personalities types are all part of the game equilibrium and order xD
I may seem a bit stupid, but what about a "Shy" personality? At first, when you approach the villager, they don't seem eager to make friends and aren't really social. But the more you talk to them, the closer they get to you and the more social they become. Kind of like Sable.
As others have said I'd really like a nerdy/scholarly type, the normals are the closest always talking about books but they're also a bit too motherly. (On a side note, I've walked into conversations with Sprinkle and Mitzi twice... Sprinkle always wanted to have some "girl talk" about boys/clothes/makeup and Mitzi was like "I know lots about dinosaurs!" the first time and "Let's talk about gyroids!" the second time... Sprinkle walked away saying "this is the weirdest girl talk ever" both times. It's so funny :p)

I'd also like if we had lazy girls and peppy boys!
Maybe a Shy personality?

idk, really I'd just kind of like a personality that's relateable. I know it's a game meant to be cheerful and less lonely and stuff but I'd kind of like characters that are maybe like...the opposite of peppys and you really have to talk to them and be their friend and they open up to you or something idk
Weeb. I want all the weeb villagers in my town. All praise the anime overlords.

oh did i say weeb? i meant otaku. totally.
I want a rebellious/delinquent type that enjoys causing mischief around town, but Happy Home Designer's depiction of uchi villagers come close to this. I wonder how would uchis behave in the future games, I really like them in HHD.

For the male personality type, I wanted a smart and brotherly personality type that is very helpful and caring towards everyone but they can rub other villagers in the wrong way because they're too much of a know-it-all and they talk in a blunt and overly serious manner. Despite the misunderstandings from other villagers, they're always a friend in need. I want them to talk like motormouths.

For a female personality type, I want a strict and matronly type. Like they are matured uchi villagers, but they're more of a female equivalent of cranky types (AFAIK snooty types take that role but they're too prissy and from New Leaf-HHD, I think snooty villagers are more of the female equivalent of smug villagers than cranky villagers). I want them to be knowledgeable in certain activities from household chores to camping. Other villagers might think that they're too intimidating. Maybe make them have deep voices and hard to get along with because of their strictness.
A kiddie personality, suggested earlier in the thread, would be a great one.

Personally though I would be happy with just more gender variation across the personalities. It's a shame there isn't a female jock, or a male uchi. That would be fun :)
an aloof or reserved personality would be really nice. it overlaps with some things said in this thread. dreamy or shy characters, ...
General information: Like the lazies and peppies they would be some of the younger villagers. They will try to fool other villagers for a laugh and spread rumors for fun. They will also be pulling different kind of pranks out, and eventually tease the player. When first encountering a player they will act shy because they are afraid that the player will figure out what kind of troublemaker they actually are. They will quickly warm up, and when they do so they will start telling the player lots of jokes and such and tell them about what kind of pranks they have done lately, but only if the player swears not to tell anyone else. If another villager blames them for a prank they will try to act all innocent, and claim that they know nothing about what they are talking about.

Rumors: Pranksters will often make up rumors. Some may sound totally false like "I heard that [villager] is actually a breeding between a unicorn and the Loch Ness monster, but because they didn't like their look they started to dress up as a [species]."
Although there is also the chance that they would tell more believable rumors. You can tell that those are false because they will mutter something along "Nobody else would be able to make up something this good!"

Moving: When telling the player that someone is moving they will at the end of the dialogue do the distress emotion, and tell the player that it is NOT just something stupid they made up, and that they never would be able to joke about something like that.

When they are thinking about moving themselves, they would blame it on things like "I need new ideas for jokes and such." Sometimes when the player says "Good luck/Take care" they will answer "Just kidding, I didn't mean it for real! NO moving"

Medicine: They won't give medicine no matter how much they are befriended. Instead they will laugh a bit about how funny they look. Sometimes when befriended they will give the player their picture for making them laugh that much. If they do so they will walk away singing.

Pwps: They will request amusement park like things such a balloons, clowns (not real), a small carousel sculpture, stands, mascots and such.

Other things: If the player has a cranky villager in their town the prankster may say "as [cranky villager] says, GAHAHAHA

Sorry for it being long :p Hope you can understand it.
I love lots of the ideas here!

I like the idea of having villagers of both genders fit personality types (jock females and peppy males), but have more of a spread of ages; the peppies are obviously kids and the crankies are older guys, but I like the idea of having some older female characters, like the matronly/motherly suggestions people have made.

I think it would be cool if different personality types had more specialised interests; it would be cool if the more hyper personalities were bad at fishing and would more frequently ask for you to catch them something, or some villagers have sweet teeth and want fruit more, and maybe older villagers want more furniture and are willing to sell art to you. I like that normal villagers like reading, but it'd be great if there was a personality type (maybe a subsection of normal) that liked art and music, and would talk about that, and maybe give suggestions on how to avoid a Redd fake painting and always be at KK Slider performances.

I'd also really like cooking and food to be more of a thing in future games, and have requests like at the Harvest Festival year-round, where villagers would ask for fish or beehives to put in their food, and you could exchange tips.
I love the idea of a shy personality like some mentioned! That would be adorable in my opinion.