The pet peeve game

Blah! Yes, I hate that. Some people take it even further and have squeezed my thigh. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

Loud chewers
I'm not super annoyed by that, I often leave things lying around lol. As long as they don't expect me to pick up for them!

People not coughing into their elbows.
Definitely! Thanks for giving me some sickness.

People who think they know stuff, but really don't?
BIG pet peeve of mine. I don't mind if you don't know everything, but I definitely mind if you pretend to know everything.

Taking a shower after somebody else and realizing there isn't very much hot water left?
I sorta find the texture gross on certain things, but for the most part, I'm neutral about it.

Like, the sound of water hitting a can? I actually kinda like that sound. Unless maybe you mean when you have a beverage in a can and it's getting diluted with water? That one gets more annoying, but still not a pet peeve of mine.

Making a cup of tea or coffee, and then forgetting about it until it's cold?
Eh doesn't bother me too much. I'd either still drink it or reheat it lol.

Utensils scraping against glass plates?
Very annoying! Unless I like you :rolleyes:

Random person who won't stop staring at you?
I have a HUGE pet peeve about that, so creepy. I've recently tried just holding intense, judgmental eye contact with people who stare at me. It often works, but when it doesn't, it's the most awkward thing in the world.

People not covering their mouths when they cough?
Sadly I've gotten used to that.

Having to repeat yourself more than twice? In case people wonder how this scenario comes up, here's a personal current experience of mine.
*Phone rings* Me: Hello, pharmacy?
Customer: Hi, do you have the high dose flu shot in stock?
Me: No I'm sorry I ran out yesterday. I should be getting more later this week.
Customer: Really? You ran out of them?
Me: Yes.
Customer: So even if I book an appointment I couldn't get one?
Me: That's correct (even though what I want to say is WTF DO YOU THINK?????)

And before people accuse me of elder abuse, I will point out I never hold conversations like this against senior citizens for obvious reasons. These are now the normal calls from the general public since Covid has scared everyone into thinking a flu shot will protect them from Covid as well.
Yes, I'm not fond of repeating myself when people think that asking the same question in different ways will change the answer lol.

In the same vein of thinking, my pet peeve is I hate when people wait to tell me AFTER I go through a lengthy explanation or story that they actually couldn't hear me or weren't paying attention the entire time and would like me to repeat myself from the beginning. Please tell me the moment you realize you couldn't understand what I was saying!
Oh I don’t like that too! Having to start from the beginning of a long story is the worst.

When you walk down the street and a really noisy vehicle speeds by?
not really lol

when you’re in the middle of talking and someone interrupts you?