The Rainbow Color Group.

<big>Just a reminder.....</big>

<big>At the feather giving ceremony, each member must give 1k or better known as 1,000 bells.</big>
Is this it? I'm pretty sure I got it...woo! And I'll join - I'm pretty sure I have to, or my new avatar will get mad.
Animalcrossingwhisperer said:
<big>Just a reminder.....</big>

<big>At the feather giving ceremony, each member must give 1k or better known as 1,000 bells.</big>
I'll join your little rainbow club..maybe if I don't get bored.:)
Bita said:
Do you even know how to do rainbow text? It's not one letter by one. Who would stay there all day?
lol bita. we already told them that we dont do it one at a time..but they dont believe it. stupid right?