Mafia The Real Housewives of Mafia - Town Wins

ftr i'm not suspecting panda based off of that, i just wanted to know why she said all of the most experienced players

To be fair I saw the same thing, but Endless said experienced players as well.
To be fair I saw the same thing, but Endless said experienced players as well.

true! i was mostly just reading up on the most recent pages, that's interesting. although panda chose to name the 5 most experienced which is a bit more than 3 idk
A couple thoughts, don't really have time for a full post now:
Since I see people are starting to suss Sensai I find it worth pointing out that in every game I've played with he got sussed or lynched for inconsistent reads/reads that didn't make sense, and he was town every time. That being said @Sensai I would like to know why you see Zendel as town. I don't think the whole grammar thing is alignment indicative at all but I also see no reason to townlean him.
Also @Kat can you maybe explain your read on Dolby a little more? Why is he a townlean? Also I thought sussing Endless for the wording of that sentence was a bit of a stretch, I mean I'm null on him myself but idk of everything he posted that didn't stick out to me as problematic
@Kat can you maybe explain your read on Dolby a little more? Why is he a townlean? Also I thought sussing Endless for the wording of that sentence was a bit of a stretch, I mean I'm null on him myself but idk of everything he posted that didn't stick out to me as problematic
Nothing Dolby has said has really given me a red flag, and he posted this:
I just realized that it's obvious to me and I can't reveal it. Though ultimately it isn't game-changing unless scum don't have safe claims

Also, does anybody know anything about the show in relation to Toads quote. I'm trying to edge you towards something here
This wording feels extremely hard to fake, so I'm townreading him pretty hard. It's similar to the one post I mentioned of Cherche's or whatever her name was (oops sorry) that has such a strong tone in their post that it doesn't leave much room for it to be a scum maneuver.

Also regarding Abe, he's a very talented player so I consider his slip-ups to be more significant than say, Punchy. Abe hasn't made any posts that have felt super townie to me, and that one post of "oh looks like Im gonna have to point you out" feels VERY wrong.
@Ness @Dolby @Artzokhan

May I remind you I responded to the RQS at 7am, half asleep and skim read the thread. After reading again and seeing Punchy's actions, I dont see them as a compatable team in any way. Im more incluned to believe Dolby is town and Punchy is scum.

Apologies, on mobile but should be on my laptop within an hour.

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A couple thoughts, don't really have time for a full post now:
Since I see people are starting to suss Sensai I find it worth pointing out that in every game I've played with he got sussed or lynched for inconsistent reads/reads that didn't make sense, and he was town every time. That being said @Sensai I would like to know why you see Zendel as town. I don't think the whole grammar thing is alignment indicative at all but I also see no reason to townlean him.
Also @Kat can you maybe explain your read on Dolby a little more? Why is he a townlean? Also I thought sussing Endless for the wording of that sentence was a bit of a stretch, I mean I'm null on him myself but idk of everything he posted that didn't stick out to me as problematic

Its more of knowing and understanding Zendel's tone. Zendel stated in his RQS that he hates being scum and that he hates lying about his alignment. I dont see anything fake about the way about Zendel is playing this game. Thats a major factor for me.
With regard to arsonist, it's just about always a third party role. I have seen a mafia arsonist, but the ratio is something stupid like 20:1. It's within our best interests to assume a third party arsonist.

@Kat I mean I did specifically state "unless there's good reason to do so", and in that case, I had very good reason to believe everyone in the chat was town. (And the best bit is there was even a contingency plan for the only person I didn't have a borderline lock town on, where the main instructions in the group were changed behind the scenes slightly in a way that would screw over that individual if he was a killer)

For reference, I meant Farobi when I said Zem. No idea why I said Zem, but the proceeding evidence demonstrates that it was Farobi I was talking about. Apologies on that part.

With regard to my reluctance to call out Farobi, I hate delving too deeply into the RQS, and if you read the paragraph above it's a pretty stolid representation of why. If you look at the result of that delve, that's another good reason why not. (Although anecdotal)
Like I really hate doing that sort of interrogation but the dude lied so w/e.

Now we get to the meat of the matter.

Dad's first post is god damn ****ing awful, and I'm going to tear it to s h r e d s.

Out of everyone so far this set of RQS answers bothers me the most. I know people are suspecting Punchy for being jokey but it's actually mog's jokeyness here that seems to hint at a little bit of nervousness lol. Especially with this last line. I think Panda is pointing that out as her 'I think mafia is in here' not 'this is the mafia team'. I can already tell toads isn't completely random in his role distribution as a host and so a mafia team without somebody with a good deal of experience (Dolby/Endless/Me/Ness and maybe glow) doesn't seem like something he'd set up given the opportunities. I know it's not the greatest meta to use but my experience with mog has often been through the discord mafia and she gets very jokey and doesn't really complete her thoughts when she's wolf there which is probably why this sticks out to me more than others.
So first of all, chat meta differs horrifically from forum meta, and this isn't like a secret either, this is a well known fact.
But that's not the point here, the point here is that this single post doesn't even resemble her chat mafia play either, or match up to even the description in this post.
At what point here does she "not finish her thought"?
Like honestly this is an embarrassing push, and I'm kinda concerned that Kat thought it was a fine point.

As for the experienced player that's on the mafia team (a theory I fully buy): it's Endless or Ness. Mostly because Dolby isn't setting off alarms and glow hasn't provided much content yet. Endless? I don't like how he's telling people how to play a PM game with his usual 'I'm very experienced therefore should be listened to' attitude. While I fully think he's right in his suggestions, they're also very common sense and things you shouldn't need experience to understand. So it feels kinda pro-town for the sake of seeming pro-town. ALTHOUGH I do like the points he brings against Zendel about the length of his experience answer, this was weird as heck to me and I can't help but jump onto a little suspicion on him here:
While it's common logic that there will be a minimum of 1 experienced player on the mafia team, that's information that's useful later, as the experienced player list is 6 or more people wide and therefore literally the same odds as narrowing from a normal pool of people. (Which is common sense, really)
But like, even ignoring the fact that trying to narrow between experienced players this early is dumb, like let's assume it isn't for a minute, then analyse this paragraph under that assumption.
He ignores glow because she hasn't provided much content yet - wasn't aware that was a towntell.
I'll give him credit for his townread on Dolby - I don't usually get strong early reads but I'd be floored if Dolby was either mafia or Arsonist. (I could go more in depth on that if it was required to me, but it was based on the way he made his play earlier.)
He states he doesn't like me because of my regular play, which he can't claim to not know because he literally referred to it within the post as my "usual play". (I could be misinterpreting this and he could be saying that he doesn't like the way I'm playing, but is effectively null on me. I don't believe that's the case, but I like to include all options when analysing.)
Now we get to the cream of the paragraph - he thinks my points are against Zendel. Do you know what this means? This means Dad didn't click on the links in my post. It means he skimmed my post, and is playing it off like he didn't. He's playing it off like he went in depth and looked into my logic.
Ironically, since he used this terminology incorrectly to refer to how I'm playing in this game, that sentence appears to be attempting to look like he's scumhunting rather than him actually scumhunting.
Oh yeah, and before I forget to address it, Farobi literally PMed someone "he was looking to trust". That's how newer players wind up telling their roles to mafia, so it was borderline the exact opposite of "information that was obvious to everyone". You might've forgotten Dad, but some of the people in this game haven't ever played a PM game before.

Actually in general page 26 sees a lot of frantic posting from Zendel that I don't like either.
Since he thinks I'm after Zendel, he's putting his foot on the gas. This is kinda hilarious to watch.
Zendel always ****s his pants as town, no offense Zendel.

As for Ness? He has gone out of his way to point out that he won't be fully utilizing the PM system. Great. So what I will be paying attention with him at this point is how much in-thread activity he is producing and in this case he's got a decent amount of questioning of small moments happening in the game (team incompatibilities and talking about a reason for Heyden to be PMd) but he hasn't really gone after anyone yet.
You might've forgotten this since you listed ness as an experienced player earlier in your post, but Ness isn't exactly an ace scumhunter. (No offense Ness)
He hasn't done anything that deviates from his regular play, and in fact I'm pleased with what he's done so far. (I agree with his team reads - although I think going after team reads this early is about as useful as attempting to PoE good players this early - not.)

Right now my guess is mogyay/Zendel/Ness tbh.
I mean nothing wrong with this segment by itself, just ties together with his other segments. Included for completion.

There's no way that's accurate given my day 1 luck but those are the most sus people in the game atm. Should probably read into everyone more because there's likely a 4th or a hostile 3rd (perhaps that's our arsonist), but I gotta go to sleep. Will probably be able to answer any PMS THAT NOBODY HAS SENT ME YET around 10pm est.
Once again, nothing wrong with this line, but in the event that Dad is town, (which I don't believe to be the case) the reason he wouldn't be accurate is because his reads suck ass.

Oh and I could maybe see astro as an experienced mafia choice. That's SarasaKat if I'm remembering correctly?
Damn didn't know Ness was guaranteed experienced but Kat was only maybe experienced.

OH I just noticed the voting thread is up. Punchy, why did you vote to placehold and then unvote your placehold vote?
Honestly this question is great. As a finishing note on his otherwise horrendous post, it's nice to know that there's at least 1 good question asked.

I'm voting Dad

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EBWOP: Don't call me talented Kat, it'll go to my head.
Since he thinks I'm after Zendel, he's putting his foot on the gas. This is kinda hilarious to watch.
Zendel always ****s his pants as town, no offense Zendel.

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EBWOP: Don't call me talented Kat, it'll go to my head.

1. I'm offended, I have constant diarrhoea so I cant help it.

2. I don't think it has stopped you from getting arrogant before so I don't see why compliments are an issue now. This burn is warranted for that mean-spirited and hateful thing you said. I'm so hurt.


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Btw thanks for explaining that in depth, I was confused with Dad for that but I realize now that it was an attempt to cast further suspicion on me in an attempt to drive me down further into the ground.

I don't know how he could get confused with me and Farobi tbh.
Dad's post reminds me of his first post he made in Bianca's mini game which was against me, he was scum and the post was absolute trash. Is that part of Dad's scum meta at this point?
Dolby is playing agressively, like the SS2 mafia, and I see it as an easy target to get me D1, and that's like exactly what he did in SS2 mafia.

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Anyways, I'm going to vote N e s s because I'm Bianca, you have me figured out.
I mean I was about to go to bed but...

I sus Dolby too, he's playing way differently this game then in others.
Dolby is playing agressively, like the SS2 mafia, and I see it as an easy target to get me D1, and that's like exactly what he did in SS2 mafia.
Excuse me?

Is it that he's playing similar to games where he's mafia, or playing differently to games where he's town?

I wasn't too sold on it earlier, (I had it down as a slight read) but chunk Punchy in there with dad.
EBWOP: Question for Punchy

Can you forward a PM from one player to another player?

The answer is usually yes but worth making sure. (To ask the host something, bold it in green.)

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Similar to when he's mafia.
So do you rescind on your comment that he was playing "differently than in other games"?
Yes, he's playing similar to when he's mafia, not different to when he's town.

Tbh, I find this comment really odd considering that you townread all the way through last game despite my third party claim. (there were notable differences in my play, such as timidness)
Tbh, I find this comment really odd considering that you townread all the way through last game despite my third party claim. (there were notable differences in my play, such as timidness)

You were hostile TP, not mafia.
Punchy, may I ask where you've seen him playing aggressively? (on this thread) i may not have the best memory/not paying attention properly but for me he's not been acting that aggressively, but he's a bit different from detonate to shyna
Punchy, may I ask where you've seen him playing aggressively? (on this thread) i may not have the best memory/not paying attention properly but for me he's not been acting that aggressively, but he's a bit different from detonate to shyna

Did you see him sussing me with a crappy reason?
Alright, I'm headed to bed, but the more I think about it the more I'm worried that Punchy isn't actually mafia, just executing the most dangerously self destructive OMGUS I've ever seen.