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Eligible 🏝️The Real Villagers of Mistfall Island🏝️

Island/Town Name


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Smash Ball
Tera Orb
Red Super Star Trophy

Good Day Dearest Readers,
This journal is a special edition, created solely for the purpose of the New Year, New Horizons event.
All entries can be considered an official addition to the main The Mistfall Journals.
Stay tuned to discover the daily lives of the Mistfall Residents behind the perspective of a mysterious writer.

See you real soon,
Miss Hearty Secret​
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Good Morning Villagers,

In our lovely island of Mistfall, what do we really know about each other? What do we think we're hiding from public view? Are we presenting our true selves, or showing a masked version? What does everyone truly think of you? The best way to know is what is heard and what is seen among the island. Fortunately enough for me, I am in a position to do just that.

Who am I, you ask? Well, if you truly knew, that wouldn't be a question now. Would it? Just like I know you, you know me. After all, this is an island. There's not many choices here on Mistfall. We're a select few, but with great personalities among us.

I am here to announce that, randomly, between January 14th through February 12th, new notices will be pinned to the island's billboard about each and everyone of you on this island. Each notice will answer the questions. What new information will come to light? Who will be diamonds under pressure, and who will be rocks who breaks instead? All will be known in due time.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret

Do not be afraid that you're first. It was really a luck of the draw. I was out and about when you caught my attention. I saw you studying your book and double checking the produce we have at our community farms on this winter day. Were you checking to see if the produce could survive the season? Or was there something in that book of yours that could help the gardens thrive? As you were studying the tomatoes, did you realize you were being studied to? Before you could continue, I heard some steps among the brick path and hopped behind a tree only to find our island representative crossing paths with you.

You talked to him about the gardens and mentioned the wheats and how they were really good plants. Among your discussion, the two of you discussed how thankful you were for the community farm and all the produce and fruits it offered. It really is abundant after all. What really showed me you had a good heart were your concerns over someone passed out the beach. This isn't about him, but you, Molly. The island representative thanked you for your concerns and went to help him out and find his crew.

Molly, as bright as you shine, there is nothing to worry about it. You are lovely to have on this island, and certainly one of the diamonds here as well. Keep up the good work around the farms!

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret




Agnes, it is your turn in the spotlight. This year for Lunar New Year, I decided to take a walk around the island to see who was with who to celebrate. Sasha, Julia, and Beau were all exercising together in front of the resident services building today. As I explored more, the rest of the residents were locked away in their houses. I wondered if I scared them a bit with my notices, but then I saw you, fishing silently. You seemed unbothered, not with a single thought of me in your mind.

I always believed you were strong and tough, have I now seen a different side nobody has seen before? I wondered, but you didn't even change when the island representative walked by and waved hello. I got the sense that you were out and about, but just needed a simple break and breathe for a second. Now, I am wondering if perhaps everyone is truly who they are? Was whatever idea I had in my head incorrect? I'll have to find out with the next villager. I wonder who that will be.

Agnes, please keep being you. Don't let it change. Keep fishing.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret


Hello Aurora, I was not planning
to do you next, but as luck would have
it, I saw you on my daily run to the
stores. I usually get some supplies that I need, but today I felt like doing
some extra shopping. When I walked in, you were intested in the chairs and the
harp. If I were you, I would go with the harp as it would go well with anything.

As luck would have it again, the island representative was there checking out the
harp as well. I am not sure what is up with the island representative, but he is
somehow getting in all of these pictures. It is almost as if he's trying to solve
something. I am starting to wonder if my identity is as intact as I think it is. I
couldn't stay long since the store is small and I thought I'd be spotted, so I
hopped right on out at a moment's notice.

Stay cool, I guess?
I may have to circle back to you.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret



Twice now, I have seen you in front of our
resident hall during some workout sessions. Does
it bring you peace? As if you were doing yoga?
Throughout all these posts, I have noticed everyone doing
different activities. Some seem to make sense, others are surprising. I am not sure
where this falls for you, Julia.

Then I realized, whatever it is that you do, it will make sense for yourself. Do what
makes you, you. If that is exercising, checking vegatables, shopping, or even fishing,
everyone has something that they enjoy. What is mine? What will I find next? I
wondered about the many things in this very island. The more I do this, the more I
am discovering.

Also, has anyone seen the island representative. He's usually on my path, but he's
no where to be found right now. I am getting a bit suspicious now. I will need to be
more careful.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret



On this snowy day, I decided to take a trip to the
museum. I have always loved this area on the
island. There is is such so many wonderful
things to look at, especially the art section. There
is something about that I have always appreciated.

However, I did not expect for you to be here as well. I did not take you as an art deer. You
have been admiring pieces like you were looking into another world. Were you seeing the same
thing as I was seeing? You and I, we have different perspectives, almost like this little project
of mine. I am starting to realize that in my hunt to discover new things about everyone, isn't
leading to anything shocking, but rather what makes us unique, and that no one is afraid to
show it. There is a sense of proudness in the community. Stay proud, Beau.

Also, I must say that I continue to feel a presence looking into me. I cannot shed the feeling
that someone is behind me at all time. Even when being cautious, and double checking all views
in an area, someone there is watching me, like how I watch you. Am I starting to feel the very
anxious energy I bestowed upon the island? Should I stop halfway, or should I continue? I
have much to think about.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret


Editor's Note:
Somehow Miss Hearty Secret's original letter got duplicated at the very beginning and replaced a group picture of all the villagers. Not sure what she was up to, but I switched it back. Enjoy the photo!

It's the start of the new month and we are
moving onto you now, Rudy. It has been cold
lately and I was missing some of the warmth
today, so I decided to visit the Insect Section of the Museum today.
I always felt this section was naturally warm, almost like an early summer. It gets

I do have to say I was a bit surprised to see you here. I figured you would most
likely been seen in the fish section instead. However, I have come to learn to everyone
can find interest in just about anything and that assumptions isn't always the best. I
did not go into this based on.assumptions but r rather facts that are to be discovered.
However, all I am discovering are things I assumed were wrong.

Rudy, you have shown that no matter who you are, you always stay true to
yourself. I can see why you're "besties" with the rep on this island. There is nothing
better than presenting not your. best self forward, but your true self forward. Stay
true, Rudy.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret



Hello sweet Penelope. During my walk today, I
decided I wanted some fruits for a snack and stopped
by the island's orchard to do some picking when I saw
you were already there. You looked like you were in your
own little world, keeping to yourself and humming some melody. Now that I think about
it, is this your secret to happiness?

Every time we cross paths, you always seem cheerful. What is it that you makes you
this way? It makes me wonder if everyone sees me the same way. Do I seem a bit
cheerful to you? Is it expected of me to be that way? Or is it just some face to present
to the world? Many questions behind a simple emotion.

Penelope, stay happy. Hopefully your happiness can cheer the island. Happiness could
always go around. I would say our island is already happy, but why not have more? You
know, happiness should just be everywhere. Has anyone ever thought that of that?

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret



Checking out our history, are we? Or are we
curious about our past? Either way, I thought I
was doing the discovering about us, not you Kidd. I
could not help, but notice how serious you looked when
gazing upon this fossil right outside in our Museum Gardens.

Let me tell you what I "discovered" about you. Although curious, others often depict
you as "cool" and "chill." Compared to everyone, you may even be the "coolest" on the
island, next to me that is. I hear I am a favorite apparently, something I discovered
for my own.

It is kind of funny that trying to discover more of the island's residents, I tend to
discover more of myself. Yet nobody still knows who I truly am, although I suspect
some are trying to find out. May as you try, I have been doing way better not to be
caught. After all, the island representative haven not been this close to my past subjects.
Kidd, stay curious. Often curiosity can lead to cool things.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret



I see that you are enjoying all this snow with a stroll
through this island today. I could not help but notice
how cheerful you seem with the snow falling today. I
even hear that some of us are not big fans of the winter season. I prefer the warmer
months spent at the beach. We're only weeks away until Spring and I can finally start
counting the days all this snow melts away.

But what surprised me the most was seeing you singing along the radio in front of
the Residential Services Building. It is a good song, by one of my favorite singers,
K.K. Slider. How I wish he could perform here more often so I could see him on the
island more often. However, if listening to the radio is all we can do while we wait for
Saturdays to come, then so be it. I will be listening to it everyday. Enough about me

I know you are one of the newest villagers, but you have fit in very easily with the
rest of us. I hope you know we enjoy having you on the island. Speaking of new villagers,
there's only one villager left. Hello Marlo. How have you been doing? I'll see you soon.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret


Marlo, you where hard to find. Through out this entire time, you were the one I have seen the less of. I am not sure if you prefer to stay at home, or if by fate, or paths just do not cross.

But now we are here, you being the final villager. When it became your turn, I had to think of what is presume about you and use that to find. you. It took a couple of guesses, but I knew I would find you shopping somewhere. You seem a bit secretive, which follows why I had to look for you. What are you at when no one is looking? What don’t we know?

I personally do not think its anything, but just some rumors. I would like to get to know you more. At the island’s next celebration, come celebrate and share with us. I am sure those rumors would go away sooner than later.

With that said, this isn’t over. I have decided there is going to be one final special post. Who is left that has not been looked into yet? I’m afraid it isn’t me, but someone else. This will be the best post yet, leaving this island with revelations. I’ve been hard at work with this one.

Sincerely Yours,
Miss Hearty Secret


The Real Villagers of Mistfall Island
Finale Coming Next.

Who is "Special?"
Who is the Mysterious Writer?
Will All Be Revealed?

Comments Now Open As Well!
Dear Isabelle,

Indeed this is a special post. For more
reasons than you can expect. this is not
what you probably expected, that this post
would go up before your "Special" post,
which I assume is likely me. I imagine this is a shock for you, but
discovering your identity was a challenge, but one I could complete.

First using the information about the photos, I asked the villager what
they remember. most didn't remember much, except for hearing some
jingling sound in the distance. even closer inspection, in julias post, im in
one of the photos behind the trees, and that was when I remembered that
I spotted you taking a walk that day. I'll hand it to you though, I didn't
see any photos taken.

Lastly, I also figured your name was an anagram, minus the "miss" part.
if you take Hearty Secret and rearrange it, it becomes "The Secretary."
which was your previous job before coming to the island, correct? that
being side, I think I left this island with enough revelations for now.

Sincerely yours "Miss Hearty Secret", your island representative
