Hi! Don’t worry, you can also keep some of your villagers!I anm contemplating a restart but i have no friends to keep the essential items I would like to recover mainly my kaiju and super robot as well as my bells the rest i can live without but restarting fresh at the date of game comning out and playing accelerated days I kinda want to. Just a shame I'll lose fuchsia
It’s hard to explain but basically you tell your villager to leave (you can search tutorials on youtube) and when they are packing their stuff you ask a friend to come to your island.
Your friend invites the villager to their island and the villager goes and starts living there.
You reset your island and when you reset it and get a one, you tell your friend to kick the villager out and you go to their island when the villager is packing their stuff and you invite them to live in your new island! Hope it helps
I didn’t explain it well I’m sorry but it’s kinda hard