im visiting tons of dream towns and now I'm seeing that theres so many things i could have done differently. i never even waited for the perfect map. . . I'm going to visit dream towns and then im gonna re-start.
When I started my animal crossing I was unaware of the community you could actually be apart of online. A few months into my game I saw that there were many people on Instagram with acnl accounts (made for trading, bids and basically just talking to others.) After I saw this I made one and noticed everyone had paths, the same type of eyes, a certain type of 'dream' map. My mayor (to most) has the ugliest eyes in the game. My town has tons of rivers making it difficult when placing my paths. So many little things I didn't account for and I could change it all just by resetting?
I really want to reset because I time travelled. I feel I've ruined my game. I don't even notice the little things when time travelling. or appreciate things like weather or the way if you blow on a dandelion the seeds fly everywhere or the little footprints you leave without shoes.
I have tia and fauna who are dream villagers to me. I also have tammy and apple who I like. and merengue just moved to my town, I like her but I captured her because I thought maybe someone may really love to have her.
I really dislike time travelling but I'm bad at waiting.
If you guys are having trouble deciding to reset, visit nookings town. Her town is honestly the prettiest I've seen, her town was the reason why I've reset both times c:
I have a lot of money in my savings and I don't want to throw it away. (A long with a bunch of items lol) Anyone want to help me? I'll be more than willing to offer some of my savings or items I have collected. And if you wish, we could talk via IMs/message to make things easier :3
If you guys are having trouble deciding to reset, visit nookings town. Her town is honestly the prettiest I've seen, her town was the reason why I've reset both times c:
Me too! I saw her Tumblr blog and decided to give her town a visit via dream suite. It's def my most favorite town and I always use my sister's game file just to visit it, hehe ・ω・ It's given me so many amazing ideas, and the layout has really motivated me! It might sound dumb, but ever since I visited that town I've felt so inspired and just plain excited to finally see what I can do. It made me reset my old town and I honestly think that was a really good choice for me. I needed a break. I've been planning for forever now and I plan on getting my town on May 23rd (which turns out to be a three day weekend plus a beautiful time), so I can make my dreams a reality (●?∀`●)
I'm still deciding if I should reset ; v ;
-all 10 dreamies
-nearly most of pwps
-everything is alright
-I'm so ridiculously lazy to get someone to hold my villagers-
-I hate the layout
-no room
-terrible perm pwp places
-I- I just lost motivation for this town..
I'm still deciding if I should reset ; v ;
-all 10 dreamies
-nearly most of pwps
-everything is alright
-I'm so ridiculously lazy to get someone to hold my villagers-
-I hate the layout
-no room
-terrible perm pwp places
-I- I just lost motivation for this town..
My god, I can never stop resetting. I'm in love with my layout and villagers right now, but I have the reset bug. Ughhhhhh. I could just get people to hold my stuff but arrrgh I love my town.
My god, I can never stop resetting. I'm in love with my layout and villagers right now, but I have the reset bug. Ughhhhhh. I could just get people to hold my stuff but arrrgh I love my town.
Reset bug.. never heard of it. Might I ask what it is?
On topic, that sounds terrible.
I had to restart my town a few days ago because of the Easter rock bug, had about 8 rocks in the way of everything and I couldn't get rid of them. Wasn't able to play on Easter.
I Have been reseting for like 2 day these days and each time i start i want to rest AGAIN cuz i see something i dont like Reseting is SO Stressful do have any Tips for reseting or what eves :3
I want to reset ;; but I worked so so much to achieve what I wanted, I basically have most of the museum donations in and badges along with my dream villagers. More detail :
Pros of my town:
- Achieved the fruit I wanted
- Dream villagers achieved
- A lot of paths, bushes and trees have been placed in so called perfect positions, I don't even know how I got the bushes to look so "tumblr" in the first place
- I have 100 visitors ;; it took so long to get
Cons of my town:
- Old town name (I have a better name in mind that I want to use)
- I honestly want a more weirdly shaped map, just to have those "special areas" for public work projects and maybe even the mayor's house
- Walking around the map is boring in general compared to walking around in maps with weird shapes and corners
- Weird mayor name (I made the file in 2013. I was going through the typical random/kawaii phase at the time)
I honestly just want to start completely new, but the paths though..those were really time consuming along with getting gracie for the emporium
I want to reset ;; but I worked so so much to achieve what I wanted, I basically have most of the museum donations in and badges along with my dream villagers. More detail :
I'd reset if you feel like you've done everything ^^ A clean slate is super exciting, though daunting at first.
I myself reset just yesterday, ended up with a pack of starting villagers that I really liked for once and one of my dreamies is moving in already! I'm really enthused to plan out my town again, though waiting for all the upgrades is going to be hell.
I keep considering resetting. I don't know if I'm really looking for input, as it's more than likely going to be done.
but I feel sorta guilty, as I constantly said I'd work with what I have. but my map keeps bothering me, and whatever.
it's sort of a pain as I have 2 villagers I refuse to lose, and a third I don't really wanna lose, but I dunno. :| getting people to hold villagers is just a thing I never saw myself doing. but so was resetting. but I'm more than likely gonna go through with it.
I just worry that it'll make me feel worse if I do it, I guess. x__x''
First, I don't like the name of my town and I don't particularly like the rock placements, mayor house placement, and layout of my town. The only thing that's stopping me is my progress, which isn't too much considering I've had been living in this town for about a month. But that also means everything in the museum, everything on main street and all the money I have will be gone. I need my moneyyy.
I need somebody's opinion about this. Is it really worth it?