The Resetting Thread

So, I stoped playing acnl about a month ago. School is almost over so I'm playing again! I don't really feel connected to my town or villagers so I'm restarting. I put so much effort in it, so it's hard to let my town go.
So it seems like I'm kind of stuck in a rut when it comes to resetting my town. Up until I got my development permit in my current town(Mossdeep), I was pretty happy with it. Then I realized that making a straight shot across the river to the dock would be impossible due to the river only slightly curving. Not only that, but there are rocks where I had planned to build my campsite. Super super frustrating, if you ask me. On top of that, I built my house in a terrible place, and really, I don't really know where I would have put it even if I had a good place. That'll teach me to rebuild early in the morning.

Besides that, I have apples in this town, and I got really attached to having oranges in my first three or four towns.

I only really have two or three pros to the map, one being that I have Marshal(I love that dumb little smug squirrel), as well as Chow and Walker. I also have a nicely sized private beach, it's a west facing map, and the Town Hall and the Plaza are right next to each other.

I was thinking maybe I could ask my boyfriend if he'd hold my items for me again so I could reset, but he said no. I think it's reasonable, considering I've put this on him a billion times(and it's only ever for the same two or three items, my favorite dress, my crown, and my harvest bed). Maybe it's a sign I shouldn't?

I want to though, so bad.
I think if you're thinking about resetting, you will reset. It's a feeling that will be hard to shake because you'll keep finding the smallest problems with your town and end up wanting to reset even more. If you want to reset then you probably should before you end up making a lot of progress in a town you're unhappy with.
I can't see myself resetting anytime soon. Reading through this thread, it looks like resetting can become an addiction and you'll end up resetting every town you find because you can't find one with all your criteria.
Good luck resetting, anyone who is!
I think if you're thinking about resetting, you will reset. It's a feeling that will be hard to shake because you'll keep finding the smallest problems with your town and end up wanting to reset even more. If you want to reset then you probably should before you end up making a lot of progress in a town you're unhappy with.
I can't see myself resetting anytime soon. Reading through this thread, it looks like resetting can become an addiction and you'll end up resetting every town you find because you can't find one with all your criteria.
Good luck resetting, anyone who is!
I agree 100%
I remember when I went through the same resetting phase in WW. I really miss my old town in that game TTmTT
I'm gonna reset :\

I'm hoping that a fresh start can get me to start treating this as a fun game instead of a chore I have to finish.
Dear ACNL gods, all I ask for is Apples or that so much to ask for?

Keep finding good layouts but don't only want those Apples or Peaches for fruit.

I think if you're thinking about resetting, you will reset. It's a feeling that will be hard to shake because you'll keep finding the smallest problems with your town and end up wanting to reset even more. If you want to reset then you probably should before you end up making a lot of progress in a town you're unhappy with.!

YES. The whole "you just need to make your town work" thing just doesn't work for most people. You can make yourself love a layout your hate.
I just restarted yesterday. Ended up getting Merengue, Bob, Blanche, Bud and Tom as starters. Not too bad tbh.
I found myself in such a bad resetting rut that I had to take a few months off from the game. I restarted today and found a map I really like in the first four offered. Its really nice to be able to enjoy the game again and not just be staring at Rover for hours ^_^
I agree with the thought that if you're tempted to reset, you probably should. Everyone's different, but I've found that at least for me, if something starts to annoy me in my town, and it's something that can't be fixed, like the layout or misplacement of a permanent PWP, it'll just aggravate me more and more as time goes on until I end up really hating my town and not enjoy playing it.

So, I'd say that if you're considering resetting over something that you can't fix, it might be worth doing.

That said, I recently reset my town. I dislike every single starting villager I have, but that actually kinda works in my favor, since I'm not going to care about any of them moving out, and, if I end up really hating the town, I won't be sad about resetting it before I get too far into it.
Decided I'm going to strictly limit myself with what I carry over and only keep my favorite items + sets that I'm gonna actually use in my mayor's home / items unobtainable in a NA copy of ACNL
Still a lot to move, but at least it's lessened a bit.
I've made the decision to reset both of my towns. The second town (my digital copy) has been reset and will now be my main town so I can have it with me at all times. I'm especially excited for it because I'm determined to create every pattern I use and not time travel, with the exception of plot resetting. My main town (cartridge copy) hasn't been reset yet, and I'm terrified to do that. I've had the town for over six months but I've decided that there were too many things I didn't like about it. I'm not sure what I'm going to keep from my main town and what to give away.
After months of not playing ACNL, I've decided to reset and start a fresh town... Problem is, I'm so OCD about the town map, it's exhausting. After 4 hours resetting last night, I found the perfect town map... until I found the native fruit was pears! All I want is Apples, why Lord, why!!! :mad:
Should I do it?


I don't really like the layout of my town. The plaza is waaaaaay too close to the train station, the Re-Tail is not near the island at all, and I don't like where my mayor's house is.

I have square grass and the ugly yellow town hall...

But, I have peaches as my town fruit, and the Museum is on the right side (I like it next to Kick's.).

I've already come so far... I have the dream suite and everything. I'm doubting whether to reset or not...

Any advice?
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Yes. Restart it. Get a town map that you really like. Make sure you place the mayors house in a good spot and have fun meeting new villagers.
i say you should stick it out as long as you can
irl, nothing is perfect and you should accept that ingame too
I think that if you hate everything in the main map that you are definitely going to end up resetting. May as well do it sooner than later.