The Resetting Thread

i say you should stick it out as long as you can
irl, nothing is perfect and you should accept that ingame too

The whole point of games is to escape the struggles of real life, so I think he should just start again if he isn't happy.
I resetted a few days ago myself, as Labryth wasn't doing anything for me any more. Developing it felt more like a chore. However, I've started Mayscore, and although I do kind of miss my old villager (especially Kyle and Pierce), my new town makes up for that in a range of ways:

-Map gives me a very large surface area to work with, plus it cuts off a small sector of- which I love due to the feeling of isolation.
-Green train station, which works well for the natural setting I have planned.
-South-facing waterfall
-AWESOME starter villagers (excluding Monique)
-A second part of the beach that doesn't need a wetsuit to get to.
-Not too many rocks (rocks were a problem in Labryth)
-A natural peninsula in the northeast of my town that's perfect for my campsite.

No regrets whatsoever.
Got the game today really cheap so resetting like a bro. I am very picky with town map because I don't unnecessary land tongues here and there and i dont want to waste bells on bridges and **** and I want good villages. I will have fun for sure :)
I need someone to hold on to some items and money for me before i reset any takers? PM if someone will help me
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I reset today and I'm really happy about it!

It's not like my old map (Which was near perfect, tbh!) but I'm not really one to heavily decorate my town with paths, PWPs, bushes, etc. I prefer a nice, laid-back town with flora and fauna scattered here and there, which is perfect for my new town map, since Re-Tail and Town Hall is in a secluded part, and the plaza is right in the middle and there's lots of space around it, giving me lots to work with!


Oh, and I finally got something other than cherries as native fruits and triangle as grass! I got oranges (which will fit the summer-forest theme I'm going to try and make) and square as my grass!
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I have no idea whether to reset or not. I have lots of villagers I like and rare items but I'm not really enjoying life in my town as much as I was in the beginning. I won't lie, I'd prefer to have peaches and my town map isn't that great in my eyes. If I am to reset, I'd most likely do it on friday or the weekend and I'd give away all of my rare stuff apart from a few items I'd like to keep.
I would definitely advise it. Sure, you may miss your old town at first, but once you get down to it, you might end up loving your new town even more.

^o^ Thank you! ^^
I'm in the process of finding a new town, now. I just now reset the game ^-^
I'm excited for what adventures will await me =]
Decided to reset my cycle town and make it into a real town ^^ Can't find a good map though, hopefully I get peaches or pears c;
i restarted my town, its name is florina and my starting villagers are beau, rocco, maple, queenie, and victoria. town fruit is peaches.~
I reset last night and I don't regret it at all. My old town was really developed but had a bunch of problems I couldn't look past. My new town layout is a lot nicer, with the beach on the left and it's connected, there's a huge private beach, and I really like the river this time. My native fruit is still apples (my old native fruit was also apples). My best friend is holding on to all my items and hybrids and it took 2 trips to unpack everything in their town.
I just reset all 3 of my towns last night ;w; In seriously hoping I won't regret this xD
I'm unsure wether or not to reset. I've had my town since January and recently my amount of gameplay has been slipping. I want to reset and start again, just maybe get my sister to hold some stuff and money. IF anyone could visit my dream town and say wether or not I should reset id really appreciate it. I'd like to landscape after getting all my villagers rather than before, like I've done now.

DA: 6500-5106-9449

If you feel that you've lost your connection to your town, it makes sense to reset. However, given that you still seem attached to it (not intending to do a "clean" reset, but instead saving items), why not just take the time to rediscover your town instead?

Just try spending an hour wandering around aimlessly, chatting with your villagers a bit, and see if that connection is really gone - less playing time doesn't always mean that you've come to dislike your town.

Looking at your DA, I think your town is quite nice, and I certainly can't tell that you landscaped before getting your final villagers.

It's up to you, but my advice is to give it some thought.