I really want to reset, because I don't want to TT just to get 1 villager out. It makes my town filled with weeds. My friend is saying: "DOn't reset you reset oo much and I'm tired of it." I wanna cry right now, I hate this villager and I truly want her out, but it's not worth it in the end.
I started this town on Thursday, and am OK with everything but that villager. I have a villager that my friend loved, and she'd be sad to see her gone forever.
I don't know what to do. I can't cycle to save my life, meaning the villager is stuck here for a long time.
Reset or try to get her out?
I really want to reset, because I don't want to TT just to get 1 villager out. It makes my town filled with weeds. My friend is saying: "DOn't reset you reset oo much and I'm tired of it." I wanna cry right now, I hate this villager and I truly want her out, but it's not worth it in the end.
I started this town on Thursday, and am OK with everything but that villager. I have a villager that my friend loved, and she'd be sad to see her gone forever.
I don't know what to do. I can't cycle to save my life, meaning the villager is stuck here for a long time.
Reset or try to get her out?
Don't reset. It's not worth it ;;
I think it's worth trying to get her out, even though I can see you really don't like this villager you honestly don't have to talk to them if you don't want to. I don't think it's worth deleting a town over one villager that you can possibly move away. Just keep this in mind, there's a possibility that the villager you dislike will move away soon - or eventually so it's really not worth it. Would you rather start again unlocking all the shops and such? trust me it's a lot of hard work. Even if you did restart, there's a fair chance that villager could just move back in again. I think if you get her out now or later, you won't have to see her again at all except on mainstreet, so it's worth trying to get her out.
I mean, it still wouldn't be a big loss. I just started Thursday, and am not that atttached
Tried plot resetting for the first time. TT to the plot setting date to 5:55am with a character, then quit. Started a new file so the new character would be in town before 6am. When the time rolled over to 6am, I ran around looking for the plot. The town should have reset, but nothing showed up. There was no plot of land anywhere to be seen. So, since the town should have started a new day at 6am, I loaded up a character thinking that animal just hadn't moved in yet.
I was wrong.
They moved in right. next. to. my. house. Destroyed a rare flower patch, ruined my layout, reuined my pathway, my view, and his house is a dark blight. I know it's Apollo, but now I'm going to ignore him until he goes away.
So this now leaves me with two animals to kick out: Cherry and Apollo. Forcing Apollo to move hurts, since he was in my campsite, and I wanted him. I just didn't want him bumper-humping my house. *sigh*
I need both of these characters gone to return my town to what it was before I messed it up.
Why didn't the TT/new character trick work?