The Resetting Thread

I'm resetting Rosedawn for the 1 year challenge! I have a bunch of rare villagers I could sell for a lot in that town but I'm too lazy to cycle them out.

I honestly have no idea what kind of map I'm looking for, other than I would like cherries as a native fruit and star snow.
I kinda want to do a fresh reset and just play the game how it was meant to be / get a new start on the game without saving anything over, but I also have a lot of bells and tools that'd help me out for starter things.

Anyone who's been down the "total" reset path often know a good starting amount of bells / items to begin the game with? :s
I'm thinking of resetting and calling my town REALiTi (named after a song), but I'm not sure :(
I reset for the 1/1 Challenge. I've never been able to settle down into a town, so I hope this challenge will help me out! ^-^
I think you should only reset if you have a backup of your town because if you don't have a backup you will lose everything you did for that town. Also you can switch between the two towns while you are working on the second town. The first town can be your main town.
I had planned to reset for the one year challenge like I did last year but personal stuff got in the way and I missed the date. I still want to reset but I don't know whether I should change the date from the 1st and tt the first few days or just start on the actual date. Either way I've missed the cut off for this year's challenge which is a shame because I've really been struggling to stick to a town lately... But yeah any advice on what I should do?
I reset my original town, because after returning to it after a long hiatus I had just felt like it was all wrong. I hadn't played in over a year at the time, and I couldn't enjoy the life I had already made there. All of my best friends had left town or were leaving, I hated the town layout, my dates were all crazy due to excessive time travel, and everything was a wreck. I guess I had just changed over that one year. I no longer felt like Heaven was my home away from home. I was debating on the reset. When I was finally preparing to reset I caught Lolly in my campsite. I fell in love with her at first sight, so I moved her into Heaven. I still couldn't fix Heaven though, so I got a second ACNL game card, and moved Lolly to my brand new town named Haven. My new town was named in memory of my first ACNL town Heaven, and my mayor's name is still my name. Lolly still talks about my Heaven sometimes. It makes me a little sad, but I don't regret my reset. Lolly is all that's truly left of my Heaven, and I'd never trade her for the world because she reminds me of my first town. I loved that town, and I loved my little virtual friends from that town, and I have so many great memories from Heaven.

Honestly, I don't think resetting a town you've had for an extended period of time is a good idea unless you know you're ready to move on. I'd made my peace, but it still hurt a little when Isabelle told me that she hoped we'd meet again one day. Just goes to show what a great game ACNL is. It really tugs on the emotions.
Ok, so the past three days I was contemplating resetting my main town. I was 100% set on resetting it (reason why? I'll get to in a moment). I have a second copy of ACNL that I was going to use to find a town that had the same layout as my main town. I really love my main towns layout. Once I found my layout, I was going to move my villagers over and basically start over. As I'm going through endless maps trying to find a map that looked the same, I decided not to reset my town. I did find some maps that were somewhat similar to my main towns layout but they either had:
1. Too many rocks (My main only had 5)
2. Had the wrong fruit (I only wanted Apples or Cherries)
3. Didn't have a secluded area to build my house.
4. Had one of my dreamies in a not so perfect spot.
5. Had 3 or more ponds (My main only has 2)
6. Had really squiggle river edges (My main has nice, smooth river edges)
So, throughout this process I was thinking, "Man, my main town layout is actually super awesome!" So I decided not to reset. Plus, I have 8/10 of my dreamies, My town is about 70% Complete, I have only hybrid flowers in my town, My museum is 100% complete and I have 15/24 badges completed. I was even more set on keeping my main town.
Now, the reason why I wanted to reset? It's rather silly now that I think about it. *giggles* I use to TT when I first got the game so my "History of Lunicia" is all over the place. I didn't like that. I wanted a nice timeline of what went on in my town. Silly right? haha! But I figured, "Hey, so I use to TT and now I don't. Whatevs." There you have it.
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I TT alot and I ended up screwing my town up, then I totally forgot about AC:NL for about a year...when I came back...everything was ruined so I decided to reset my town, now I still TT but at least my town's decent!
After months of arguing myself, I ended up resetting my town. I felt so bad for it first, because I was determined to work my way around the cons of my old town, but ultimately I realized that being annoyed with something in my town hinders me from progressing it. I hated the layout, and I had no idea how to fix it. It just wasn't up to my taste. And I only realized when I joined here that you could actually reset for a better map (I was too stupid not to know that ;-; ).
Anyway, I decided not to sell any of my old stuff or villagers, mainly because it was so tedious doing so, plus I was so impatient with resetting. I didn't have the time to resell everything, with Uni and all that.

I really love my new town map; it's symmetrical, and the town tree is right in the middle. I've made it into a temporary cycling town, but as I said, I don't have time selling villagers and all that, so cycling is just for my personal pleasure. I like seeing a lot of different villagers, and most recently I got Pietro, who I didn't think was adorable as heck until I saw him myself. I'm thinking of keeping him, so cycling won't be very fast anymore. I only feel ever-so-slightly guilty because TT-ing is kinda ruining my town (my worst fears being that a rafflesia would grow), but I do my best to weed here and there. TT-ing like a year or something doesn't affect the tree a lot, so yeah, the town tree is still growing little by little. c:
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I want to reset... But don't know if I should.

I've had the game since it came out 3-4 years ago, but... I just often took long hiatuses. I haven't played the game for over a year, I lost so many good villagers, I'm too lazy to catch up on the days...

But I also have a lot of riches, and I don't wanna go back to grinding...

I really want to start over, and I think I will, but... Do I start completely over? Or do I back up some of my stuff at someone else's town?

I really love the game, but I guess I got tired of it too quickly after "burning through it". I want to take a slightly more paced approach now, and play it the way it was meant to be.
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I want to reset... But don't know if I should.

I've had the game since it came out 3-4 years ago, but... I just often took long hiatuses. I haven't played the game for over a year, I lost so many good villagers, I'm too lazy to catch up on the days...

But I also have a lot of riches, and I don't wanna go back to grinding...

I really want to start over, and I think I will, but... Do I start completely over? Or do I back up some of my stuff at someone else's town?

I really love the game, but I guess I got tired of it too quickly after "burning through it". I want to take a slightly more paced approach now, and play it the way it was meant to be.

Did you reset? You should obviously make that choice yourself. I restarted a few times as well in the 2 years I own this game but I never took anything with me so you can REALLY start over. You'll have a fresh new game andere imo earning bells and unlocking pwps and buildings is part of the fun :)

Good luck!
I was seriously considering resetting my game after I saw the map thread where people post their maps. I took a real good look at mine and realized I actually don't like my map at
But I'm just going to buy another copy of the game at this point. I already spent over 500 hours on my current only copy and I have a lot of villagers I like so it'd hurt too much. -w-
Getting another copy will be good, though. It'll be easier to cycle out villagers and I like more than 10 villagers so I'll get to have more. :3
I just reset my second copy - and it is so refreshing! I decided to keep my main town, and my all Bear town is on pause until I decide what I want to do with the layout.

But this new town is so exciting - and I finally got a center town tree for the first time ever!!

Resetting is not for everyone in every circumstance, but sometimes it really feels good to have a fresh start.
I think I'm going to reset and start completely from scratch. I realized that I hate my name, my town name and my town layout. I can't hack to change these things, and if I really wanted I could replace all of the items and money and villagers. I am also looking for a fresh start, hopefully I will finally get peaches!

I always have to remember that its just a game, not my whole life. So that means I should be able to do as I want with it without any real consequences. If I'm looking for a fresh start, but can't bear to let go of my more material things in the game, it's time to either take my lumps or buy an action replay. :)
Had Parfait 2 years and couldn't bear to reset, so have bought a 2nd copy :)
I'd definitely reccomend that to most! resetting your first town seems to lead to a cycle of resetting
Restarting my town?

Okay, so I'm considering restarting my town. I generally dislike it. I mean, my house placement is okay, and I've upgraded pretty far. I've also had quite a few public works projects. I just dislike the way I've "set up my town" and I feel like having to move EVERYTHING would be so much work and I feel like it would be a tad bit easier to just reset. I'll list some pros and cons of doing this.

-I get to make a new, better, and improved town
-I get new villagers, I only really like Roald anyways
-I can change the time from winter to spring, I really hate the snow haha (though time traveling could mess up my town in the following winter, but if I had the perfect town ordinance, would it really matter anyways? and then plus my villagers wouldn't be to pleased with me, what is the easiest way to do this?)
-I can change the face of my villager, since I kind of hate the face of my current one
-When I redo my paths, I can cut down all my trees to get the perfect path and just replant them later
-Because of that ^ it would be easier to make my town perfect
-I could sell/trade the hybrid flowers I don't need anymore for preferably pink ones(-:
-I could change my town name to a better one

-I would have to back up all my hybrid flowers and over 4 million bells to my brothers town, which is also a pro because I wouldn't loose it, but still a lot of work
-I would have to redo my paths, which isn't a bad thing I guess, just also a lot of work
-I WOULD LOOSE ROALD (even though I could buy him back, I love him so much)
-It would take a while to get back the upgrades/building additions on Main Street
-I would loose everything in my museum
-I would also loose my house upgrades and public work projects
-I would loose everything on my sell list, unless I sold it all before I cleared my town.

So I'm not really sure what to do, but I think I may reset my town just because I can sell everything and "back up" the flowers I want. Let me know what you guys think!
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Does anyone else get an urge to restart their town when you haven't been able to play for a while? Because that's how it's for me currently... I just kinda feel bad for opening up my file (even tho I could just TT back to the last date I played) and see what kind of mess there is. :{

Also I don't know if I'm super into my current map in my second town anymore. But it took few days to reset that map so it would just feel like a waste. /_\
Okay, so I'm considering restarting my town. I generally dislike it. I mean, my house placement is okay, and I've upgraded pretty far. I've also had quite a few public works projects. I just dislike the way I've "set up my town" and I feel like having to move EVERYTHING would be so much work and I feel like it would be a tad bit easier to just reset. I'll list some pros and cons of doing this.

-I get to make a new, better, and improved town
-I get new villagers, I only really like Roald anyways
-I can change the time from winter to spring, I really hate the snow haha (though time traveling could mess up my town in the following winter, but if I had the perfect town ordinance, would it really matter anyways? and then plus my villagers wouldn't be to pleased with me, what is the easiest way to do this?)
-I can change the face of my villager, since I kind of hate the face of my current one
-When I redo my paths, I can cut down all my trees to get the perfect path and just replant them later
-Because of that ^ it would be easier to make my town perfect
-I could sell/trade the hybrid flowers I don't need anymore for preferably pink ones(-:
-I could change my town name to a better one

-I would have to back up all my hybrid flowers and over 4 million bells to my brothers town, which is also a pro because I wouldn't loose it, but still a lot of work
-I would have to redo my paths, which isn't a bad thing I guess, just also a lot of work
-I WOULD LOOSE ROALD (even though I could buy him back, I love him so much)
-It would take a while to get back the upgrades/building additions on Main Street
-I would loose everything in my museum
-I would also loose my house upgrades and public work projects
-I would loose everything on my sell list, unless I sold it all before I cleared my town.

So I'm not really sure what to do, but I think I may reset my town just because I can sell everything and "back up" the flowers I want. Let me know what you guys think!

All your cons can be gotten back, even if some will be easier than others. Ultimately, the pros outweigh the cons and it's clear you would benefit from resetting.As long as you keep in mind you'll never have a completely 'perfect' town, I say go for it!