The Resetting Thread

I've been considering resetting my town can anyone help?

It's semi new (less then a month old) and it has a goodish layout and pretty ok villagers.
My only problem is I just kinda don't like it? Like mostly the theme I was going for and the layout isn't my favorite thing in the world.The problem is I don't wanna reset because I've bought a few villagers for this town (Chief Frank and Keaton) and it would feel like such a waste of TBT and I'd probably end up feeling guilty for it.
I know I can just buy another copy but I'm not too certain if I could handle two towns. Also it wouldn't really help me much since I'd want to enjoy both towns if I did.
You can get a good friend irl or ask someone trusted on the forums to hold you villagers (basically getting them to move to their town while you reset) but it is quite troublesome.
If you get a 2nd town you can cycle for you own villagers or sell villager you don't want if anyone wants them.
You can also tt to get supplies for you town.
I reset my second town for some reason about a year ago and I regret it so much :< I'm currently trying to recreate that town, but resetting maps takes so long lmao. I had a perfect map with the plaza in the very center of the map and I wanna get something similar but no luck yet.
I reset my second town for some reason about a year ago and I regret it so much :< I'm currently trying to recreate that town, but resetting maps takes so long lmao. I had a perfect map with the plaza in the very center of the map and I wanna get something similar but no luck yet.

Keep trying!
I don't encourage you to re create your town town though :L
Explore more! Don't be stuck in the past :)
Keep trying!
I don't encourage you to re create your town town though :L
Explore more! Don't be stuck in the past :)

You know what, you're right! I named the town differently, found a cute map with the plaza in the middle but the river was different so I went with that, the new town is going to be so nice!
I don't know if this is already posted so I do apologize but this is the absolute best when it comes to plot resetting AND what determines where your villagers are likely to move to in your town regardless if you reset your town or plot resetting. It is a huge help and the beet most scientific way to place PWPs and how to determine the likenesses of where your villagers will move into. It is NOT at all random unlike other aspects of the game and I hope this helps many people!
It is based on scientific aspects and facts of the game not an opinion, hearsay or other myths or common knowledge. a Must read.

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I don't know if this is already posted so I do apologize but this is the absolute best when it comes to plot resetting AND what determines where your villagers are likely to move to in your town regardless if you reset your town or plot resetting. It is a huge help and the beet most scientific way to place PWPs and how to determine the likenesses of where your villagers will move into. It is NOT at all random unlike other aspects of the game and I hope this helps many people!
It is based on scientific aspects and facts of the game not an opinion, hearsay or other myths or common knowledge. a Must read.
I don't know if this is already posted so I do apologize but this is the absolute best when it comes to plot resetting AND what determines where your villagers are likely to move to in your town regardless if you reset your town or plot resetting. It is a huge help and the beet most scientific way to place PWPs and how to determine the likenesses of where your villagers will move into. It is NOT at all random unlike other aspects of the game and I hope this helps many people!
It is based on scientific aspects and facts of the game not an opinion, hearsay or other myths or common knowledge. a Must read.

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I don't know if this is already posted so I do apologize but this is the absolute best when it comes to plot resetting AND what determines where your villagers are likely to move to in your town regardless if you reset your town or plot resetting. It is a huge help and the beet most scientific way to place PWPs and how to determine the likenesses of where your villagers will move into. It is NOT at all random unlike other aspects of the game and I hope this helps many people!
It is based on scientific aspects and facts of the game not an opinion, hearsay or other myths or common knowledge. a Must read.

Did you get the wrong thread? lmao

edit: oooh wow not many people are asking to reset anymore <3
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Restart or no?

So I'm at the point in my game where I feel like I've accomplished a lot...I got all my dreamies, got my pwp unlocked and my mainstreet and now I just don't feel like working on my town anymore. I keep thinking about restarting but then there's the hassle of saving my stuff if I can find someone to hold it. And I would want to save at least one villager (hamphrey!) I would love a new map as my town has 5 lakes in it :/ such a pain to work around

how often do you feel like starting a new town?
I'm also feeling like restarting my town, it's not that I've did a lot it's just such a... It's just not a town I want it to be. But then I think of all the progress I've did, I would have to recreate all of my characters houses, have to get all the PWPs.. And I just don't know
Wow loaded my game up and Hamphrey asked to move...I think it's a sign :D

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I'm also feeling like restarting my town, it's not that I've did a lot it's just such a... It's just not a town I want it to be. But then I think of all the progress I've did, I would have to recreate all of my characters houses, have to get all the PWPs.. And I just don't know

Aww no ;-; Sorry bout Whitney! That really stinks....totally get what you mean by losing all the progress, I'm scared to check my play time for this game
Aww no ;-; Sorry bout Whitney! That really stinks....totally get what you mean by losing all the progress, I'm scared to check my play time for this game

Yeah, I just started my game and she was gone, I miss her already :( It's such a shame since you basically just helped me get her, I've probably only had her for about 2 weeks ;-;

But if you want to restart your game it's your choice, really. I just like to keep a hold of memories because I'm basically like a hoarder
Should I restart my village?

I don't know if this is in the right section sorry
So I don't know whether or not I should restart my village
I currently have all the things on Main Street except Katrina, and I've upgraded the shop to the emporium, and the museum is over halfway finished
But since I started the game when I was about 9 or 10, I made pretty bad decisions
The only parts I like about the town is that the plaza is almost in the exact center, that the houses are hunched over to 3 sides like a community, and where the town hall is
And I have all of my favorite villagers (ACNL was the first animal crossing game I have played so I've grown attached to these villagers)
What I don't like is that my favorite villagers' house is right behind re-tail
Where I placed the coffee shop is just a horrible place
Where I placed the campsite
There's only one area of open room to make a garden
I cheated to get max bells and I hate the feeling of cheating and you can't throw away bells
Moe pissed me off one time and I've become mortal enemies with him, and I've had him in my town for a year and he hasn't moved out
Rocks are in the most unfortunate places

But if I do restart, I would lose my favorite villagers, which is a grand total of seven. I know that in a month or two you can move any villager you would like in as long as you have the amiibo card
But it would seem like they don't know you and see you as a stranger and you have to build that bond again
What do you guys think?
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If you feel that strongly about it and are starting to get kinda bored it might be fun to restart your town. A lot of that stuff can be slowly reobtained and if anything it might be fun to rebuild your museums and stuff. With that said, just make sure you have the motivation to get through the tedious stuff in the beginning before your town starts to get going because it could end up making you not want to play at all anymore :x
I'd say you've weighed the options pretty accurately yourself.
It's basically sentiment vs style, do you give up what you've grown to know for what looks good?
The answer lies in whether or not you'd be happy restarting or have the patience to put everything in order and hunt down those villagers.
If you have the time and patience, and want to make your town the way you want it, then by all means restart.

Though if you're not motivated to go through all the grinding and you feel attached to what you've got, then keep it and find ways to work with things as is.
Maybe other PWP's or paths and flowers?
It really depends on your motivation levels. Would you be willing to go through the process of unlocking things again? That's one part that has always put me off restarting. Villagers shouldn't be a problem to get again, although I understand when you say they won't be the same. I would also only restart if you hadn't collected a lot of items, my catalogue is almost full and I have every unorderable item so to me it would be too much to do it all again
Should I restart?

I've realised that I haven't put much thought into designing my town... So I thought, why not start anew and give it another go?

I haven't built much, or unlocked that much... But I don't know if I'll be playing long enough to get a new town back to where I was.

It all depends on how much I can sell my TBT for.
It depends,

If you have no motivation or interest in your current town, then reset. But since you haven't designed or unlocked much yet, is it possible to just come up with goals for your existing town?
It depends,

If you have no motivation or interest in your current town, then reset. But since you haven't designed or unlocked much yet, is it possible to just come up with goals for your existing town?
Well... I don't know... I'm just bored of it, my house, the Roost and the Police station aren't in the best spots...
I'd say if you're bored with it, and don't have a huge attachment to it, then restart. I was recently trying to make the same decision and I eventually decided to restart. It was hard to commit to it, but I'm really glad I did.

This way you can plan your town from scratch, and have goals to unlock things again. Take your time choosing a layout, and try to get an idea in your head where the major pwps will go before you choose one.
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