This is a long-winded post I made on Reddit about resetting, and I was hoping for some extra opinions here. Here's a link to my town map:
Long story short, I'm having mixed feelings about my town's layout and don't know whether it's worth a reboot. As a whole game, I'm loving New Leaf so far. However, after several days in, I'm realizing the inconvenience of a few building placements and second-guessing the looks of my village.
I do like the overall shape; having the town split into business and residential halves is nice. I do have a gripe with the placement of the town tree square – it's tucked into a corner and nobody ever goes there. Ideally, it'd serve as a nice community space, but everyone lives so far away, there's no point.
I'm also not too thrilled about Re-tail's distance from the beach. I just made my first journey to the island today, and I quickly realized the struggle of taking so many trips back and forth to sell goods. I was lucky enough to have funded the middle bridge yesterday, so I wouldn't have to go all the way to the east to get south of the river, but it sure is a hike.
I'm also lamenting the placement of my house – I put it close to the edge of the beach cliff, since I couldn't really find another place I loved. I wanted to be out of the way from most of the bustle. But now I can't have a nice lawn or pathway, as the cliff is only about three or four blocks from the gate.
Things I might regret if I restarted include all the household items I've traded for over the past few days from the ACTrade sub, my museum progress and fledgling flower garden. I also have Marshal moving in tomorrow, and I hear he's a pretty popular guy. I like my other villagers, but I'm not head-over-heels for them either.
So what do you think? Is it worth it? What do you think about the generated layout?