The Road to Audie


Peppy Barista
Nov 4, 2013
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Red Candy

This is the story of a girl that's really unlucky. I haven't had a peppy villager on my island since Bangle moved out. I've been struggling between Bunnie, Rosie, Chrissy, and Audie. Bunnie, Rosie, and Chrissy have all been in my previous New Leaf towns and I really enjoyed them, especially because peppy villagers are my absolute favorite. I decided, however, that Audie would be my main goal. Her design is so cute and so is her backstory, and she's the one villager that I haven't had in my town before.

So, I spent 107 NMTs just to try to get any of them. (This totals to around 300 NMTs already spent.) 20 tickets in I found Bunnie. My idiot brain thought "Oh, you have a lot of tickets! You have plenty of time to find Audie!" 2 tickets later I find Bunnie again. An omen. Nervously, I continued on my quest for Audie. This mistake would lead to my ruin. Bunnie never showed again. Audie never showed. Rosie and Chrissy abandoned me. 107 NMTs later and I still have no peppy villager. Desperately, I TT ahead to see if I could at least fill the empty plot with ANY peppy villager. It was Chops. Your newest villager is usually the hardest one to get out and I had no more NMTs. The campsite method was my only hope.

45 villagers and 20 hours later and I finally have her in my campsite. (If anyone's interested, I recorded what villagers I had along with how many of each personality type I got. I didn't get any duplicates which is amazing to me. I stopped counting after the last few though so the numbers are a little inaccurate.) Next step was to try to get her to move in and replace Chops. The guide I was using mentioned the card game and said to reset if you lose, but all of the comments said that it would be okay to try again after going through a few dialogue options. She first wanted to play the card game for some furniture which I lost twice but I didn't reset and it was still fine. She then asked to play the game to decide if she would move in. I lost and she said something akin to "I'm not moving here lmao bye." I talked to her over and over again (this is the first camper I've actually spoken to to try to get to move in by the way). and she just kept rejecting my requests over and over. Finally, after I'm on the verge of tears, she agrees to play again. I win and she asks to replace Coco. I reset and go through everything again. My second time she asks to replace Chops. It's over. I have won. I started this search at 2 AM with my NMT's. She agreed to move in at around 1:30 AM the next day. The only break I took was the 3 hour break to sleep (which was only because I passed out orz)

Would I recommend the campsite method? Yes, but I would not recommend literally ignoring food and sleep to do it lmao. It's easy to do and I had no duplicates which differs from island hopping. You also have a higher chance of getting a villager with the personality type you're missing. I also learned that Isabelle does, in fact, tell you if you will have shooting stars that day. I saw a debate going on in a different thread about that, but she told me multiple times. This method also fixed Redd for me because he completely stopped showing up since I got my first painting and he's now here today. I would also suggest having some hybrid breeding plots set up because all of my patches are now overfilled with hybrids.

Sorry this post is long, but I wanted to document this experience as well as help anyone decide what method they should use for searching for villagers! Wishing everyone better luck than I had with getting their dreamies lol.​
Thank you for sharing! I love reading thes stories. I had a similiar experience with island hoping so I am now trying this method. I like it a lot, it feels like shiny hunting, it takes time but you can do it while doing something else. Congrats!
congrats! i’m currently traveling the same road - there’s a lot of traffic as i’m not doing the campsite method and i haven’t had a peppy villager since piper moved out earlier this month but i’m hoping i’ll reach my destination at some point lmao
That's some dedication! Congrats! You worked hard for her. I know the feeling of campsite resetting for almost, if not the whole day, trying to do the same thing over and over with barely any breaks. What more can I say? You truly deserve her! I mean, pretty sure you deserve more than what you did, but you have her now. That's all that really matters.
this is more or less the same struggle i had trying to find raymond. spent hundreds of NMTs and got nothing, but found him with the campsite trick in about 2(!!!) hours. definitely tedious but worth it.
Wow! I admire your determination and I'm glad you got her to move in and the whole ordeal is over for you! I think she's definitely worth it.

I'm lucky in the fact that my fiance also has a Switch and a copy of the game, but has not started playing yet. So I started up a temporary island on his Switch and played until I was ready to build the first 3 plots for Nook. I took the first Lazy and Normal villagers I found on mystery tours and then started island hopping for Audie. It wasn't so bad at that point because I was guaranteed to see a Peppy on every tour.

I set up my island for optimal Nook Miles grinding, lol. All over the ground I put rows of things to help me grind miles. Stacks of 20 weeds, 5 fruits, 3 flower seeds to plant, saplings, etc. Then I just ran around constantly doing the Nook Miles+ tasks to keep myself stocked on NMT. Once I found her, TTed to move her out and adopted her on my main island. The whole thing was pretty tedious, but so worth it. I love her so much and I feel proud of all the effort I put in to get her.
Congrats on getting Audie and fixing Redd! Definitely seems like it was a tough journey but I admire your determination. All of your hard work certainly paid off in the end :giggle:Also a side note, I find it interesting that Isabelle tells you about meteor showers... whenever I have one, Isabelle never mentions it in the announcements for me.
Congrats on getting Audie and fixing Redd! Definitely seems like it was a tough journey but I admire your determination. All of your hard work certainly paid off in the end :giggle:Also a side note, I find it interesting that Isabelle tells you about meteor showers... whenever I have one, Isabelle never mentions it in the announcements for me.
I'm wondering if it's determined by how frequent the shooting stars are? I've had a few shooting stars before and she never told me, but they were pretty infrequent. When I watched the shooting starts when she announced them they were in long bursts and were one right after the other. It seemed to happen more commonly in the summer and winter months as well.
Wow! I admire your determination and I'm glad you got her to move in and the whole ordeal is over for you! I think she's definitely worth it.

I'm lucky in the fact that my fiance also has a Switch and a copy of the game, but has not started playing yet. So I started up a temporary island on his Switch and played until I was ready to build the first 3 plots for Nook. I took the first Lazy and Normal villagers I found on mystery tours and then started island hopping for Audie. It wasn't so bad at that point because I was guaranteed to see a Peppy on every tour.

I set up my island for optimal Nook Miles grinding, lol. All over the ground I put rows of things to help me grind miles. Stacks of 20 weeds, 5 fruits, 3 flower seeds to plant, saplings, etc. Then I just ran around constantly doing the Nook Miles+ tasks to keep myself stocked on NMT. Once I found her, TTed to move her out and adopted her on my main island. The whole thing was pretty tedious, but so worth it. I love her so much and I feel proud of all the effort I put in to get her.

I have a question for you! On your fiancé’s island Audie must have had the starter peppy house interior right. When she moved to your island did she revert back to her normal house or keep the starter home?
Yep! She had the generic peppy interior on his island, but came with her real interior when she moved to mine.
That’s dedication! I did this method to get Raymond but it only took me 4 hours because there are less smug villagers and I probably had some luck that it only took me 4 hours, considering other personalities besides smugs can still be the camper even if I don’t have a smug on my island. Be happy you found her and didn’t have to pay for her, and that she can’t ever move without you telling her to now!
Be happy you found her and didn’t have to pay for her, and that she can’t ever move without you telling her to now!
Paying for her probably would've made it quicker so I regret it a little but I'm happy that I got all my dreamies on my own!
Paying for her probably would've made it quicker so I regret it a little but I'm happy that I got all my dreamies on my own!
Yeah but it’s always more satisfying to grind and find your dreamie, no matter how many hours it takes. It makes that villager feel so much more special!
Aww it makes me so happy that you finally got Audie! I hope you will spend many many happy days with her! Also regarding paying for dreamies: Personally I find it a thousand times more satisfying to get a dreamie by yourself rather than paying for them!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. I got Marshal today also using the campsite method and I’m so happy. It didn’t take me as long as yours did but it was pretty time consuming and I also exerted so much effort. I also set aside my no TT rule for finding Marshal specifically and did the campsite trick as an exception to that rule because I know NMT island hopping is hopeless (it took me 200k miles just to find a DECENT cranky and snooty but ended up with no one and had randoms move in because almost no cranky or snooty were showing up in the islands). I was so traumatized by island hopping that I decided it’s worth it to do the campsite trick. With it, I was able to not only get Marshal but I was also able to boot out those two randoms and replace them with decent villagers I prefer. All these while watching TV and NOT SPENDING A SINGLE bell or miles or worse, real life money. The campsite trick is a godsend.