The ROCK thread! \m/


music junkie, bookworm and Metroid fanboy
Sep 4, 2013
Sky Clouds Scenery
Spring Sakura
Orange Heart Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Red Bunny Balloon
Sweet Heart Balloon
Pink Balloon
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Similar to the "The METAL thread! \m/" but more for rock music in general. Discuss your favorite bands/artists, sub-genres, etc.!

I'm a huge metal head but I also enjoy a lot of other rock-related music as well! I'm pretty big on a lot of the 60's/70's stuff, but also 80's-onwards. There's just so many great rock bands out there, here are a LOT of my favorites: Yes, Rush, The Doors, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, Kansas, Tesla, MGMT, Tame Impala, Black Stone Cherry, Gotthard, Thin Lizzy, Ozric Tentacles, The Beatles, The Byrds, Poets of the Fall, Stone Temple Pilots, Ramones, The Clash, Cheap Trick, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, etc. There are probably many more but that should give you a good idea of what I'm into.

I'm all down for recommendations as well! Now...POST AWAY!:cool:🎸
I don't know too much about rock, but I know that I like this song because it sounds like the "Bathroom" theme from an N64 game called "Sarge's Heroes". The guitar riff in this is pretty cool! 🎸 You knowing more about rock, I wonder what you'd think of that game soundtrack if you ever decide to give that a hear too. 🤔
Similar to the "The METAL thread! \m/" but more for rock music in general. Discuss your favorite bands/artists, sub-genres, etc.!

I'm a huge metal head but I also enjoy a lot of other rock-related music as well! I'm pretty big on a lot of the 60's/70's stuff, but also 80's-onwards. There's just so many great rock bands out there, here are a LOT of my favorites: Yes, Rush, The Doors, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, Kansas, Tesla, MGMT, Tame Impala, Black Stone Cherry, Gotthard, Thin Lizzy, Ozric Tentacles, The Beatles, The Byrds, Poets of the Fall, Stone Temple Pilots, Ramones, The Clash, Cheap Trick, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, etc. There are probably many more but that should give you a good idea of what I'm into.

I'm all down for recommendations as well! Now...POST AWAY!:cool:🎸
I'm loving some of these recommendations. I've gotta add Dokken, Foreigner, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest. I've been trying to get into collecting CDs since I don't trust Spotify to not get rid of my favorites after a while. I should've been collecting them ages ago.

Vinyls are awesome, too, but they're such a pain to store once you have a big collection.
Rock has always been my favorite music genre. I enjoy nearly all styles of Rock with some minor exceptions (such as Indie Rock, Emo and Southern Rock; I find these to be mostly bland, boring and underwhelming. But even then, there are a few bands/releases/songs that stand out and I can enjoy to some extent).

Bauhaus Crawled so other gothic rock and metal bands can walk.

Peter Murphy's solo material is also respectable. "Cuts You Up" is a gem.

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One good thing about being a geezer is that I was able to see a lot of good and some great rock n' roll bands in a live setting.Back in the day concerts were fairly basic compared to nowadays.You'd have the band and maybe a few simple special effects like a light show and some fog.Kansas had a dummy with a noose around its neck fall from the light rigging.Concerts were dirt cheap back in the late 70's and early 80's...they averaged between $6 to $10 Yankee dollars a ticket.I went to see Kiss back in 1979 and it was the first show I saw that hit double digits...10 bucks a pop.Here are some of the concerts I saw between 1977 and 1983(roughly):

-Queen w/ Thin Lizzy
-Queen w/ The Blasters
-Styx w/ Angel
-Styx w/ April Wine
-REO Speedwagon w/ Molly Hatchet
-Journey w/ AC/DC
-Journey w/ The Babys
-Cheap Trick w/ Badfinger
-The Cars w/ Nick Gilder
-Kansas w/ Sniff and the Tears
-Kiss w/ Breathless(?)
-Van Halen w/ Screams
-R.E.M. w/True West
-R.E.M. w/ The DB's
-The Romantics w/ Wang Chung
Not too long ago I was on the "A-Z of Songs/Artists" game thread and W was the next letter in line. First song that came to mind right then was "Weak And Powerless" by A Perfect Circle, which was released in 2003. It always feels a tad strange realizing that a song/album that I still clearly remember hearing when it first came out is now 20+ years old. Anyway, I strongly prefer Maynard's material with Tool, but A Perfect Circle also had some satisfactory stuff up their sleeves.

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I was listening to With The Beatles. (The second studio album they recorded). It's definitely the dark horse among albums they made and not often spoken about. I definitely think it's the weakest. Hard Days Night was a huge improvement. Early Beatles songs can be good, but I like the innovation from 1965 and beyond. Nearly everything from the early era was a love song or something extraordinarily goofy like Mr Post Man. Starts blending together when listening to an entire album in a single sitting.

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I've been going through The Foo Fighters albums.

Lots of stuff I've liked.

Sonic highways is a good album but I know some people are mixed on it. I liked it quite a bit.