The Smell of Gasoline ⛽️

Do you like the smell?

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Legendary Serpent
Nov 29, 2019
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Gasoline or petrol has a distinctive smell that many people like. Do you like the smell? Comment below why or why not.


I personally can't stand the smell.
I’m not a fan of the smell of gasoline. It’s strong and overwhelming to me. I always dread going to gas stations because there’s always a chance the smell will be there. Even so I still prefer it to the smell of diesel. A lot of people where I live drive diesel pickup trucks with purposefully bad mufflers and the smell is absolutely putrid to me.
I shouldn’t but I kind of do for some reason. I have been around a lot of garages and racecars growing up so it’s a very nostalgic smell I suppose.
To be honest I lowkey kind of enjoy the smell. I have no idea why. I wouldn’t willingly expose myself to it since it’s dangerous but still.
No, I cannot stand gasoline. Finding out some people like it was one of the most confusing things for me.
It's not gasoline that bothers me. It's that I'm stuck in a car and don't want any strong smells consuming my nose in a closed space.
Naw it's gross and feels heavy to breathe in. I liked the smell as kid so idk what changed. Probs from driving all those trucks around for years
Sometimes, I’m okay with it. But if I’m smelling it for too long (like one minute or longer), then that’s a problem.
No, not a fan of petrol smell. I pump and go very fast 🙈
I love the smell of gasoline, I also love the smell of rubbing alcohol. Makes my brain go brrrrrr.
Oh and the smell of chlorine is godly.