The Smell of Gasoline ⛽️

Do you like the smell?

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I haven’t ever really thought about this but yeah I honestly do love the smell of gasoline! I won’t go out of my way to smell it but it’s certainly a nice surprise whenever I do!
I do like it, and I'm not really sure why. The only time I've been exposed to it was when someone else just happened to put gas in their car and I was there. I don't drive.
i won’t actively seek it out, but i do think i like it more than dislike it any time i can smell it lmao
Yes, but I'm eventually reaching the point where I don't want to inhale those fumes. It really is bad.
i don’t mind it much but i don’t hate it! it doesn’t really bother me, but i wouldn’t go out of my way to smell is
I'm sorry, but I'm harshly judging all of ya'll that voted 'yes'
Getting Trevor Phillips vibes lol.

I don't like it, but I don't hate it either. It's not a smell I would want in my house. I am kind of biased to since someone splashed gas on my eye a long time ago and it was the most excruciating pain I ever felt. As soon as it made first contact my eye was on fire.
The smell of gasoline is kinda addicting yet I don’t want it near my nose. It’s like paint or markers.

I like the smell of gasoline,especially during the winter months when they add 10% ethanol to it.It still smells like gasoline but with a mild aroma of what smells like rubbing alcohol added.
no i want an electric car so badly so i don't have to stop at gas stations anymore
I don't have an opinion on it. It's just a smell to me that doesn't bother me and it isn't something that I think smells amazing or anything.
🤥So many smell threads this month though😆
No I don't, and I don't get why almost half the people who voted in the poll like it; they're putting their health at risk.
I dislike it, it gives me headaches, and when I have phantosmia, it's my ghost smell. Everything and everywhere smells gasoline, it's really annoying.
Can't say I care too much for that smell, but I guess is more a dislike... anyway, confetti anyone?
I cannot stand the smell of gasoline 😭 This extends to unscented Vaseline too. If I'm going to have to deal with it for any significant period, I do whatever I can to avoid smelling it, like wearing a mask, rolling down windows, etc. Even then it still bothers me.