The sudden Bowsette and Princess King Boo/Boosette popularity (PG-13)

i guess i'm biased since i love the idea of strong, villain women and the petite looking versions of them aren't that bad either. why so much hate though? kinda hot too ngl
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Don’t really care for it to be honest. Also kind of annoyed of all the internet traffic that resulted from it.
I don't like changing the gender or species of characters but whatever.
It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't get so out of control. It's like when the other fandoms got out of hand and pretty much raided everywhere. The only one that comes to mind for me is mlp, but that's because I rarely keep up with the internet nowadays. But that stuff gets annoying and the bandwagon mentality that comes with it.
Personally I love it but, I'm bias cause I love women.
Also the designs are creative and cute too imo!
I think it's cute! Bowsette x Peach forever lol
I'm too gay not to like this