The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing


it's a beautiful bikini bottom day!
Feb 7, 2014
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Tasty Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Ancient Lantern
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Cherry (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Well since I've just freshly reopened my scars, I figure it's time to scar some youngins who haven't read this yet!

There's an old creepypasta from the WW era about a boy named Billy going to summercamp. All I can say is, I've been afraid of mouse villagers ever since I read it. Here's the link!

The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing

It's a tad long; 13 chapters, but they're filled with pictures both drawn and ingame. Some people aren't squeamish like me, and some people aren't sensitive like me so it might not bother some. It has strong language and violent/gruesome imagery as a warning. Fan poster done for it:


So have fun! (Not sure if this is the right place or not since it IS technically from the WW era)
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I remember this! Me and my sister laughed at this years ago, haha. We didn't really find it scary.
I thought Penny the mouse was quite creepy, though.
I totally forgot about this! I think I only read a couple chapters and meant to keep going but I must of forgot, thanks for posting! ^o~
Ha! That's actually what persuaded me to get ACNL in the first place, that and Ruby Quest.

You cannot imagine my disappointment at finding out that there was actually not a great deal of Lovecraftian horror content in this game. Well, except for gyroids, they are the stuff of nightmares.
Meh pretty good not scary but a good read ^~^ now i'm wanting a part two...
I read it a month ago. Freaked me out, but not scary. Had some strong language though.
It was pretty okay, I liked the concept! I wasn't all too scared, though. It had more of that empty atmosphere feeling to it. c:
I read this when I first bought my first town. It was decent, but I didn't find that scary.
Oh I've read this before xD I almost cried from laughing reading it ~ I'm like you though, I still feel a little squeamish about the mouse villagers hehe.
Gasp! I read the whole thing and I did have gyroids in my rooms O.O no wonder I start wearing bunny suit..................O.O omg...did i...?
That was an interesting read. I like it although I do feel chapter 13 was a bit lazily done but the rest of the story? Nicely done.
Ooh I'm so glad people liked it! :D Yeah, as I said I'm quite squeamish and unsettled very easily so I bolted at first glimpse of Penny. I'd forgotten her name for so long, and was afraid she was in NL, so I tried to stay away from all mouse villagers because I was too scared of having her in my town. Turns out she's not in the game XP But even so, 2spooky4me haha.

There are some questions left unanswered, but I really do love it even though I'm scared of it, hehe. Glad some new and old faces read it :D!
Ooh I'm so glad people liked it! :D Yeah, as I said I'm quite squeamish and unsettled very easily so I bolted at first glimpse of Penny. I'd forgotten her name for so long, and was afraid she was in NL, so I tried to stay away from all mouse villagers because I was too scared of having her in my town. Turns out she's not in the game XP But even so, 2spooky4me haha.

There are some questions left unanswered, but I really do love it even though I'm scared of it, hehe. Glad some new and old faces read it :D!
The second ending was sad and creepy. I thought Penny was not a real villager?