The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing

coffeebean! said:
I don't understand how some people are disturbed by this......=/
If you don't understand how taking a children's game and turning it into a story full of blood, swearing, horror, suicide, and sadness might disturb someone...

..There's something wrong there.
That was so awesome! Sure it was freaky, but what a great story. I think I might want to read it again. The second ending was kinda weird though.
coffeebean! said:
I don't understand how it's emotionally disturbing......the fact that Nook killed himself for that thing?

Man, now everytime I play AC I'll never look at Nook the same way I used to.
It was pretty funny actually. it made me LOL
I don't understand how some people are disturbed by this......=/
lol, how can you say you don't understand how it's not emotionally disturbing, but then say you won't look at Nook the same?
o_O okay that was VERY DISTURBING and it was actually really scary because I really got into it haha. But at a loss for words right now. I didnt really like the second ending it was REALLY freaky. But then again so was the whole story but I think it was all the pictures of Nook that freaked me out his beady red eyes xD and the person who wrote this is a great writer I loved how everything came together perfectly.
D.T. said:
lol, maybe I'm just too sensitive. It seriously made me sad and kind of freaked for a few minutes after I had finished reading it, though.

but at least it wasn't like Requiem For a Dream. that had me depressed for days.
Never seen the movie but the music is EPIC. =D
That was so twisted.
Awesome though.
I totally got freaked out to go in to Tom Nook's store when I started my game after reading it..
If Penny ever moves in to my town.
I am NEVER going to talk to her.
I swear.
The antibox(?) ending was the thing that really freaked me out though.
Koehler said:
D.T. said:
lol, maybe I'm just too sensitive. It seriously made me sad and kind of freaked for a few minutes after I had finished reading it, though.

but at least it wasn't like Requiem For a Dream. that had me depressed for days.
Never seen the movie but the music is EPIC. =D
The movie will literally make you feel sick.
I Read this couple of days ago, Ok the first bit is funny but once you get into the story its like 0.o so scary, is Penny in wild world?
Im scared of WW I will never feel the same way about it again.
Khengi said:
coffeebean! said:
I don't understand how it's emotionally disturbing......the fact that Nook killed himself for that thing?

Man, now everytime I play AC I'll never look at Nook the same way I used to.
It was pretty funny actually. it made me LOL
I don't understand how some people are disturbed by this......=/
lol, how can you say you don't understand how it's not emotionally disturbing, but then say you won't look at Nook the same?
He killed himself, everytime I look at Nook, it's like looking at a walking corpse now.

I'm not disturbed, this is funny. I'm sorry but this is just to funny. Like seriously, this didn't bother me at all. xD I laughed more often thatn I was freaked out.......

@Grawr: I see what you mean, but it's actually funny to me. Taking such a little innocent game and making it.....that. Well there's always something wrong with me......=D

I've seen so many freaky scary things, that this is a joke compared to what I've seen. It's called rated R movies at age 8. Don't ask. xD
That was an amazing story! At first it was funny, but then it becomes so epic! Amazing.

Unrelated, does anyone notice that the Left4Dead picture that ZeldaFreak has isn't the real art? The real one has the hand flipped the other way, and the background scratches are way different.