The "The Person Bellow You Game"

lol not really cuz i signed it before you! HAHA
person below me hates jello-o lol coffebean!
yes i am and i am after you jennifer! lol
person below me is in love with spongebob
but it was really peach in disguise as spongebob to get past the authorities.

The person below me likes to make babies cry.
....yes....yes I do! xD lol jk. How can you say that?! I've spent the last two months since my sis was born trying to sleep her! xD

The person below me enjoys kicking puppies. >:O
How did you know?

The person below me wants to meet me and marry me. (Again, if it's Nate, no way.)

The person below me is so great. They are beautiful (or handsome.) There should be a movie made about them. Gosh, they rule my world. They deserve to rule everyone's world. Just look at them! Geez!