The Unpopular Opinions thread

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yeah, im not a huge fan of among us any more either. i liked it at first, it was really fun to watch streamers playing it! but now i need some more variety lol. watching the roughly same exact group of people play the same exact game for so long gets a little old to me, tbh.
im just not a fan of online games in general, especially comp games. the only game i play online is minecraft w/ friends occasionally lol. single player is where its at

also... idk if anyone else does this... but oreos (specifically double stuf) are best when you dunk them in milk and let them soak for a few seconds and they get all soft
also... idk if anyone else does this... but oreos (specifically double stuf) are best when you dunk them in milk and let them soak for a few seconds and they get all soft

yes how can one not dunk oreos in just something, man. i usually do it in coffee or oat drink but yeah man.

also as someone who can't mafia i don't get the among us hype either
When it comes to music, the best two (or three) Switch games are Super Mario 3D All Stars and Pokémon Let’s Go.
I used to love buttermilk (I was raised on it lol). Now that I'm older, I still like it alright but it's not as good as it used to be.
Pineapple goes on pizza (no shame its good af)
Yo I’ve been saying this ALL. THE. TIME.

IDK how much this counts as a pizza, but it’s especially good when you replace the tomato sauce with barbecue sauce (admittedly I don’t like pizza sauce in the first place :p)
leggings are THE most uncomfortable thing in the world, next to jeans. i hate pants so i'm basically predisposed to hate leggings... they feel so restricting no matter how stretchy they are, they make me feel Seen, and they're like wedgies waiting to happen.

yes this is absolutely because i am autistic. yes i am still right ( ̄︶ ̄)
fred the movie is an experience. i wouldnt go as far as to say that its a good film unironically but its so funny and enjoyable to me in the weirdest way. when the first movie came out i was a bright young lady who thought that fred was the best thing to ever exist and ill never forget how disappointed my parents were when they put it on for me but i grew out of it fairly quickly. coming back to it now though i....................really like the movies, especially the first and second one. the fact that hollywood executives thought that making a trilogy of this particular internet personality would be a good idea is already too funny on its own
I actually prefer bananas to be a bit under ripe, if it's too ripe I won't eat it.
Ninjask is way too overpowered. It not only has the highest speed stat out of all Pokémon, but it also has an ability that boosts its speed every turn. That’s a good example wheee competitive battling is broken. What makes it even worse was that in the Battle Tower in Pokémon Sword and Shield, one of the AI players has a Ninjask with focus sash. That made the battle un-winnable.
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, despite having “all the characters from previous games + more,” doesn’t have a bunch of characters I like playing as. I’ve finally managed to find a good amount of characters that I’m decent with, but that’s after around a year or more of playing the game. What I mean by this is that I prefer how things were in Melee, Brawl, and Smash 4. How the characters worked (which moves they had and stuff), how fights worked, and everything. I do like Ultimate as a game... just not some of the characters and some other things.

For that reason, My Hero One’s Justice 1 + 2 > Smash Ultimate as far as fighting games go imo.
I love onions.
Ninjask is way too overpowered. It not only has the highest speed stat out of all Pokémon, but it also has an ability that boosts its speed every turn. That’s a good example wheee competitive battling is broken. What makes it even worse was that in the Battle Tower in Pokémon Sword and Shield, one of the AI players has a Ninjask with focus sash. That made the battle un-winnable.
A multi hit move like skill link cloyster's icicle spear or rock blast might do the job. Also fake out from any mon.
Of all the villain teams in Pokémon, I find that Team Rocket is the most overrated and the one of most underwhelming (thank “Team” Yell and Team Skull for saving them from not being the most) them all. Sure, they were the first of them all but their intimidation factor has had to been blown up BIGTIME in order to try to get them above its successors. Seriously, Giovanni-A DIMENSION HOPPER? I know there’s mewtwo and all but the Gen I supremacy is getting ridiculous. I’d say that the group with the scariest motive was Team Galactic.
Of all the villain teams in Pokémon, I find that Team Rocket is the most overrated and the one of most underwhelming (thank “Team” Yell and Team Skull for saving them from not being the most) them all. Sure, they were the first of them all but their intimidation factor has had to been blown up BIGTIME in order to try to get them above its successors. Seriously, Giovanni-A DIMENSION HOPPER? I know there’s mewtwo and all but the Gen I supremacy is getting ridiculous. I’d say that the group with the scariest motive was Team Galactic.

As someone who loves generation four not just for the region and Pokemon, but for the villain team as well, I have to agree. I actually made a post awhile back on this same site I’m pretty sure explaining why Team Galactic is the scariest Pokemon villain team. It boils down to this:

Team Rocket wanted to steal Pokemon and make a fortune off of them.
Team Aqua wanted to cover the Pokemon world in water, thereby erasing all landmass.
Team Magma wanted to cover the Pokemon world in land, thereby erasing all of the oceans, seas, and water.
Team Plasma wanted to take over the Unova region (although at first it seemed like they just wanted everyone to release their Pokemon).
Team Flare wanted to destroy a large percentage of the world’s population and start anew.
Team Skull worked with the Aether Paradise and for Lusamine.
Team Yell was... honestly a joke and not to be taken too seriously.
Team Galactic, or more specifically Cyrus, wanted to outright destroy the universe and create a new one void of any emotion or anything else at all.

If that last one doesn’t scream yikes, I don’t know what does.
Attacking other trainers’ Pokémon in Max Raid Battles (at least the AI trainers, not other players) is actually pretty funny. I did this a couple of times before. Case in point, during the game’s first month on the shelves, I tried fighting a Gigantamax Sandaconda. Even though it had a three-step barrier, none of the helper Pokémon attacked the Sandaconda. The worst part is that these Pokémon were capable of fighting, the Mudbray being the biggest offender for flinching. Because of the sadistic RNG, Mudbray flinched three times. THREE TIMES! So when my Espeon turned back into a normal Pokémon, I decided to attack the Mudbray instead of the gigantamax Pokémon. This got me kicked out of the den since that was the fourth faint, but I found that very funny and told others that play Pokémon Sword/Shield that I did that.
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