The Unpopular Opinions thread

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Dub sucks, unless it's like almost mute figures/baby shows where you cant tell what they are supposed to say anyway plus they censor a whole lot bc lol kids cant look at cigs lets put in a lollipop or cover up some bikinis... like no dubs are crap, especially those in english language anime ones... they _always_ use the same girl/guy/monster etc voice soo. no.

I hate to break it to you, but it's not 2002 anymore. 4kids is dead and has been dead for a long time and they were the ones pushing those major censorship changes you were talking about. No dub nowadays would censor cigarettes or cover up bikinis, like have you even watched any dub that isn't a 4kids one? Dubs nowadays are typically just as valid as the subbed versions. Again, with some exceptions (again, any dub that has the dubber's political agenda forced in it when that was never in the original for obvious reasons comes to mind), and hell, there were even dubs from back in the day that are valid as well. Cowboy Bebop still to this day probably has the best dub in all of anime, for instance. Saying "all dubs are bad because 4kids" tells me you really don't know what you're talking about at all. Also, to touch on the voice point you made, I already talked about this. The voices sound bad to you. It's a subjective thing, not an objective one. Not gonna say any more than that on the topic of dub voices.
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I hate to break it to you, but it's not 2002 anymore. 4kids is dead and has been dead for a long time and they were the ones pushing those major censorship changes you were talking about. No dub nowadays would censor cigarettes or cover up bikinis, like have you even watched any dub that isn't a 4kids one? Dubs nowadays are typically just as valid as the subbed versions. Again, with some exceptions (again, any dub that has the dubber's political agenda forced in it when that was never in the original for obvious reasons comes to mind), and hell, there were even dubs from back in the day that are valid as well. Cowboy Bebop still to this day probably has the best dub in all of anime, for instance. Saying "all dubs are bad because 4kids" tells me you really don't know what you're talking about at all. Also, to touch on the voice point you made, I already talked about this. The voices sound bad to you. It's a subjective thing, not an objective one. Not gonna say any more than that on the topic of dub voices.

The equal amount of salt from both :^^)

Well yeah I've played newer than 2002 games and watched random series and honestly it's the worst. For one reason I prefer reading and I like trying to learn languages so yeah I'd definitely prefer the original. Yeah it was an stereotype example but yeah I've yet to see and hear a good English dub for at least somewhat older ages that sound good. Do they have one female voice actor for everything or?

Talking about game if it's one thing I hate is whiny fanpeople almost targeting companies to make it dualaudio or English only sometimes like... ?? a) it's supposed to be for older audiences not 10 year old kids b) If you can't read maybe that game is not for you...just saying I'm not the one to be pro concentrating at things sometimes but I still prefer non-dubbed.

Worst is when they dub like real action shows for older kids/youths like they cant read or understand english.. yeah right lol.

Also I've yet to hear a good argument for why dub is good when it sounds awful, like you aren't supposed to do other things in the meanwhile, and while i can understand some concentrating difficulties those usually dont apply to this, imo. But yeah puberty boys wanting their woohoo in English heck yeah lol
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Also I've yet to hear a good argument for why dub is good when it sounds awful, like you aren't supposed to do other things in the meanwhile, and while i can understand some concentrating difficulties those usually dont apply to this, imo. But yeah puberty boys wanting their woohoo in English heck yeah lol
The moment I saw this was the moment I realized I'm not going to get any mature, rational debate out of you and all I'm gonna get is strawmanning and you ignoring any of the legit points I made, so I'm not even gonna bother anymore.
The moment I saw this was the moment I realized I'm not going to get any mature, rational debate out of you and all I'm gonna get is strawmanning and you ignoring any of the legit points I made, so I'm not even gonna bother anymore.

Lmao, have your way. And if it's for blind people or such then they are usually made good as for tv shows so they know what happens, at least here but yeah I don't like their dubs and why people are so persistent about targeting for more adult game dubs I dunno. Should be said a lot of concentration issues are very selective when it comes to watching/playing things and eg. doing school/work things so yeah.

I don't see how that was different from what I meant, or what you are claiming to troll me with. I just took that example because the games I've played with dubs are basically that and some trolls making opinions why they want that are on that level, it was an illustration. Also claiming others are strawmanning is as bad, I'm just stating what I've heard for actually claiming dubs to be good and regardless if they have become better with the years, I think they alter the games way too much and still censor things for nothing obviously. Honestly I'd rather have it as it was rather than censoring just to make it more available here, really.

Also animes are not meant for you to sit with your phone or read a book at the same time so.. yeah. But sure show me the dub and make a good argument and I'll watch it. If you have severe concentration issues, sure it might be helpful but yeah trolls sitting on their phones and wanting dubs no.
While I agree we need to stick to one time zone all year long, I would prefer if we had permanent Daylight Savings Time. Or just abolish DST, but make Texas follow Eastern Standard Time all year long.
Also animes are not meant for you to sit with your phone or read a book at the same time so.. yeah.

i mean yea theyre not but people do it anyway lol. sometimes i'll watch an anime whilst do hw (i do not recommend) and its not much use having a different language shouted at you whilst youre not looking at the screen.
Lmao, have your way. And if it's for blind people or such then they are usually made good as for tv shows so they know what happens, at least here but yeah I don't like their dubs and why people are so persistent about targeting for more adult game dubs I dunno. I don't see how that was different from what I meant, or what you are claiming to troll me with. I just took that example because the games I've played with dubs are basically that and some trolls making opinions why they want that are on that level, it was an illustration. Also claiming others are strawmanning is as bad, I'm just stating what I've heard for actually claiming dubs to be good and regardless if they have become better with the years, I think they alter the games way too much and still censor things for nothing obviously. Honestly I'd rather have it as it was rather than censoring just to make it more available here, really.

Let me say this then, because you still don't seem to understand. Censorship isn't inherently a dubs issue. Yes, there are dubs that exist that censor stuff, but they're few and far between in 2019. You seem to think that they're one and the same thing, which is just factually wrong. Most companies that focus on bringing Japanese games to the west know their audience. You could make an argument that companies that bring anime to the west don't understand their audiences as greatly as gaming companies, but they still don't censor anime dubs nearly as hard as you seem to think they do. I should've said this from the beginning as you keep bringing up censorship, and that's my fault for not doing so. I'm not saying you have to like dubs, like I said, there's totally valid reasons to dislike dubs, and censorship is a valid reason to dislike specific dubs that do that exact thing. I just don't believe it's a valid reason to hate dubs in general because there's a small amount of dubs that actually have any super major censorship changes.
I also believe that most of the "valid" reasons to dislike dubs in general are simply subjective, and people try to pretend like they're objective when in reality most of the time they're not. I know I said I'd stop, and I really do want to stop because after all this is the Unpopular Opinions thread, and I don't want this to turn into the "two dumb idiots debate each other about anime dubs for an entire page or two because neither of them have lives lul" thread, but I don't feel like I did a good enough job explaining my side of the argument, so here. I know this is probably a wasted effort and you're probably gonna ignore all of what I just said, but whatever, I don't care.

But sure show me the dub and make a good argument and I'll watch it.

Alright then, you want good dubs, let me list a few off the top of my head.

- Panty & Stocking
- Cowboy Bebop
- My Hero Academia
- Dragon Ball Super
- Attack on Titan

There's no censorship in any of these, they're literally just the same thing as the original version but with English audio. I want you to go watch a couple of episodes of one of these and tell me what you think.
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While I agree we need to stick to one time zone all year long, I would prefer if we had permanent Daylight Savings Time. Or just abolish DST, but make Texas follow Eastern Standard Time all year long.

I was JUST thinking this, why is it only America has to have daylight savings time? It's bad enough with different time zones (not saying we should abolish those) but Daylight Savings is so archaic, it's original purpose, as far as I know, isn't needed anymore.
I was JUST thinking this, why is it only America has to have daylight savings time? It's bad enough with different time zones (not saying we should abolish those) but Daylight Savings is so archaic, it's original purpose, as far as I know, isn't needed anymore.

I agree. I want my hour back! And it feels so weird when the sun rises and sets later.
Yeah, I prefer the other time actually. When the hours change, I think of this time as the 'true' time, and when we set our clocks back, we gain an hour. But when we spring forward for spring, we're setting the clocks back 'to the correct time' that way I don't see it as losing an hour. Helps me atleast, mostly with waking up.
I think DST hate these days is a popular opinion, so let me drop my unpopular opinion and say I like the change of pace (I prefer when the sun sets later though) and when DST happens I am completely unaffected and go about my day normally.

Escalators are terrifying.

my grandma pushed me down one when I was little and a lot of my skin got ripped off hehe
Pppff, I forgot this was the un-popular opinion thread, I thought it was the post your random thoughts thread, oops.

Also that's a lil bit terrifying, ripped off. I just don't like them cause I thought my laces would get caught in the side or stair and then I'd get stuck.
Daylight Savings Time is literally the bane of my existence. I have a sleep disorder where I never adjust and I end up losing an hour of sleep EVERY night while it is in effect. Sometimes more because the stress of it can keep me tossing and turning all night. It's common for me to go from 5-6 hours of sleep a night during non-daylight savings time (which still isn't enough) to only getting 3-4 hours a night during DST. I feel like walking death and can barely function.

I've been seeing articles for years and hearing that many states are contemplating staying on DST all year long. And every time I talk about it with my family or coworkers, they all want to stay on DST for the later sunsets.

So I feel like my opinion that DST should be completely abolished is pretty unpopular.
i like pinterest. there's a lot to hate about it and it has tons of problems, i know but I still use it regularly and enjoy myself. :)
i like pinterest. there's a lot to hate about it and it has tons of problems, i know but I still use it regularly and enjoy myself. :)

I would like it but when you search for pics and the nice ones are there but they force you to sign up please no.

Also in regards to the whole dub/sub culture, actually had an interesting discussion today with one of my co-workers about why so many prefer dubs without any good explanation, and like all of the US people wanting it are mostly into those "lol dub is my right as an US citizen, also doing bad remakes is another and completely ruins films/anime/etc with both" arguments and hardly actually have a medical/other legit reason for wanting it. I mean yeah if you have medical issues or just takes in info better by listening rather than reading fine, doesn't mean they do a good job with dubs and I don't mock people in itself or redirect at anyone specific(NUH idk why you thought it was at you but eh) for it either.

For my personal opinion both dubs and remakes are 90% crap and when they adapt something just to make it culturally appealing it's just annoying.
Daylight Savings Time is literally the bane of my existence. I have a sleep disorder where I never adjust and I end up losing an hour of sleep EVERY night while it is in effect. Sometimes more because the stress of it can keep me tossing and turning all night. It's common for me to go from 5-6 hours of sleep a night during non-daylight savings time (which still isn't enough) to only getting 3-4 hours a night during DST. I feel like walking death and can barely function.

I've been seeing articles for years and hearing that many states are contemplating staying on DST all year long. And every time I talk about it with my family or coworkers, they all want to stay on DST for the later sunsets.

So I feel like my opinion that DST should be completely abolished is pretty unpopular.

DST is the worst thing. It's bad enough that Spring is coming, so having to lose an hour of Winter/a day/sleep just makes me extra grouchy.

I'm sorry you deal with that, though. I have trouble sleeping, but not like that, fortunately.
Daylight Savings Time is literally the bane of my existence. I have a sleep disorder where I never adjust and I end up losing an hour of sleep EVERY night while it is in effect. Sometimes more because the stress of it can keep me tossing and turning all night. It's common for me to go from 5-6 hours of sleep a night during non-daylight savings time (which still isn't enough) to only getting 3-4 hours a night during DST. I feel like walking death and can barely function.

I've been seeing articles for years and hearing that many states are contemplating staying on DST all year long. And every time I talk about it with my family or coworkers, they all want to stay on DST for the later sunsets.

So I feel like my opinion that DST should be completely abolished is pretty unpopular.

Oh whoa, 5-6 hours even seems so little sleep to me! I always need like 8-9 hours. I wish I could properly function on less sleep, but I get moody and super tired even when it's less than 7,5 hours..
Hmmm I dont like dogs! They make me uncomfortable and big ones really scare me
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