The Unpopular Opinions thread

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ugh yes, I actually love romance novels that are supposed to be romance novels.... but i absolutely HATE when it's pointless and supposed to be an action/mystery/etc novel, same for movies. it ruined some movies and shows for me tbh

You get me so well.
Christmas is the best holiday.
Netflix is overrated
I dislike Nintendo’s games and honestly video games in general are boring and overrated
Anime is overrated and is honestly awful. Ghibli are the only good ones
I hate when people swear excessively and I wish more people were innocent, everyone is awful nowadays.
while the eeveelutions are cute and all, all of them after gen 1 with the exception of sylveon have super lackluster designs when you remember how they're supposed to resemble their type. especially glaceon who is essentially a cat with bangs and has nothing ice-like about them.

I dislike Nintendo’s games and honestly video games in general are boring and overrated

i respect your opinion and i ask this sincerely and genuinely but... you know this is an animal crossing forum right lol
I only play animal crossing and stardew valley, and I?m obsessed with them both but that?s it. I?m not anti gamer or anti Nintendo but I?m not interested in any other games, sorry for the confusion!
I only play animal crossing and stardew valley, and I’m obsessed with them both but that’s it. I’m not anti gamer or anti Nintendo but I’m not interested in any other games, sorry for the confusion!

ohhh lmao it's no worries! i was mostly just curious how you stumbled upon these forums if you didn't like any video games haha
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I only play animal crossing and stardew valley, and I’m obsessed with them both but that’s it. I’m not anti gamer or anti Nintendo but I’m not interested in any other games, sorry for the confusion!

I can agree with you. I really don't care about any of Nintendo's franchises besides Animal Crossing and Pokemon.
Not sure how unpopular this is but there is something I need to get off my chest...
Red pepper slices do not belong on plates with roasted vegetables
I hate ice cream. It’s not the taste that bothers me, but the texture. It’s too cold and liquidy. Popsicles are fine, though.

I also don’t like pizza that much, but not to the same extent as ice cream.
Sounds fun, lol. Here goes:

1. Dogs are irritating, and I don't like them.
2. I can't stand fandoms or shipping in any form. It doesn't make sense to me
3. People who smoke shouldn't be shamed
4. I hate Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and most forms of social media
5. I don't like Xbox or Playstation- let alone any of their games
6. I go the opposite direction when popularity bandwagons appear. I'll join them in 3-5 years. It took me 9 years to play Undertale
7. I hate television shows
8. I don't like Netflix or anything it has to offer
9. C-Span is awesome
10. I don't like most modern music (hip-hop, pop, edm, etc)
11. I don't like anime
12. Saying things like 'yeet', 'welp', 'whoa', and 'smh' irritates me. I can't stand it

There's more, but this seems sufficient

I swear I'm not a cynical skeptic 24/7, lol. These are just my opinions!
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- eggs are disgusting in all forms
- bananas are bad, they're too sweet and mushy
- sour blueberries > sweet blueberries
- I dislike most anime, can't really understand the appeal beyond the fact that the art is pretty for the majority of them
- Pok?mon isn't fun
- opera is good, ya'll are all just mean
- most memes aren't funny, which is the reason why they're so cringy (hate that word) when we look back on them.
I guess I'll provide more just smaller.
-I don't like the rise of cynicism in media or just in general moreover caused by media. If "I don't care" is your usual disposition, then I feel that you are just a sad individual that aids to the very bleak future you criticise.
-I don't like memes. I think they are unfunny. They're like that one person that constantly quotes movies. Unoriginal, and repetative at best.
-I like some anime, but not to the degree I've seen. While I can watch, and enjoy it I don't really understand the obsession I've seen with anime as of late. Some people will be completely devoted to it, or seemingly only watch anime basing everything they are on the very thing. That's something I don't particularly do for anything except for maybe cheesecake, and that's just for ****s and jiggles really. I just do not get it. Some of its cool, but never that cool.
-I don't like the most recent hip hop sounds in terms of what's popular. I don't generally follow what's popular in the first place, but I have a passionate hatred for the extremely repetative banter mostly with an uninspired beat, usually consisting of that long overdue high hat sound. What's worse is that some actually do use imbaonic meters, but I'm sure if you ask them they'll just point you one of the 9 producers that actually made it.
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I've been recently thinking of this.

People don't like staring. But if you look at someone, you're technically "staring" at them for 1 to 2 seconds. And you eye is technically "wide open"
Hmmmm.... so many people have said they don?t like anime in this thread that I?m beginning to think it?s not actually an unpopular opinion... :eyes:

Anyway, for another unpopular opinion of mine, I find most romance movies/TV shows to be overrated.
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