The Unpopular Opinions thread

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1. Every new generation of Pok?mon has a weaker soundtrack than the previous.
2. Which also means the 1st generation Pok?mon games, as well as Pok?mon Let’s Go, have the strongest soundtrack.

I think it's a mixed bag. I think that the first three generations had strong OSTs. Then Gen IV was like suddenly completely forgettable. Gen V had a few great tracks. Gen VI, IMO, was excellent. Gen VII was back to mostly forgettable, and sadly, Gen VIII seems to have followed that trend.

If anything I would say that the series' music really bottomed out with D/P/Pt. Most generations since haven't been that great, either, but at least I can say I remember some tracks from them. Literally the only track I remember from D/P/Pt is Route 209 and that's only because it reminded me of ELO's Telephone Line, which played on a radio station I listened to during the time I was playing through Diamond.
I honestly don't care about the soundtrack since I mostly played with sound off, but yeah these new games doesn't seem that good as some paid reviewers make it to be lol.
I honestly don't care about the soundtrack since I mostly played with sound off, but yeah these new games doesn't seem that good as some paid reviewers make it to be lol.

I agree! Like way to lie to your audience.
Not trying to start a argument here but that's exactly what reviewer are payed for
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Not trying to start a argument here but that's exactly what reviewer are payed for

I mean in the more abstract sense that they are not allowed to like/dislike a game to destroy it or whatever, so their opinions about how a game is is basically bought rather than them having their opinion, that's what I meant. Then obviously reviewer or journalist can be job.
The new Pokemon game isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. Sure it's definitely a downgrade and sure we should make our voices heard. However, I believe Gamefreak genuinely wanted to experiment with a new idea and went with it. I for one find the game very enjoyable and can't wait to see what this expands to. While some of my favorite Pokemon did get removed, that just means I need to make new favorites. The people complaining sound like children when their toys are taken away.

Nostalgia beats everything I guess. Maybe the problems is that you're growing up?

It?s a bit hard to get behind buying a game that?s been proven to be rushed, given that it?s now been confirmed that the models have been directly ripped from the 3DS games... Despite GF explicitly saying they had to remake all the models....

Yeah it?s not as bad as we were expecting it to be, but you don?t need to settle for less when you could have so much more. Pok?mon is literally the best selling franchise in history, so if time was a problem they could have just hired more developers and push the time for the next anime season back. Sw/Sh has the capability to have everything from previous gens (Pokeathelon, Partner Pok?mon, Triple/Rotation battles, Contests, all the Pok?mon...)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, unpopular opinion time I guess? Generation 5 is the quintessential Pok?mon experience.
The worst Eevolution defensively is Espeon. Many would say that Leafeon or Glaceon are, but Espeon is the worst. Thankfully, he has a good enough speed for his special attack stat to matter.
Gaming/video game-related articles these days are usually not well-written. :/
I really liked Gen 5, I traded and collected so much on those games back in the days. Ahhh. Also had some cool stories and concept and while N was overrated as hell B2/W2 was one of the best.
I really liked Gen 5, I traded and collected so much on those games back in the days. Ahhh. Also had some cool stories and concept and while N was overrated as hell B2/W2 was one of the best.

I might be a touch biased, but N is my favorite rival of the series other than Silver. Really liked the fact that they made N feel like an antagonist, but didn’t ever feel as though he was “evil.”

I dunno, I think it was a cool change of pace that N made it to where the badges/Pok?mon League were now a necessary part of the plot instead of getting them just because.
Calling yourself a "hardcore gamer" as if it's some sort of proud title is mega cringe.
I really think they had no reason to cut like more than the half of the Pok?dex just for their "high quality animations". Like, there are Wii and DS games with better animations. Also, the graphics and textures still look bad in my opinion, almost comparable to a Wii or 3DS game. And please stop using the argument that "Pok?mon is small". Like, they are one of the biggest franchises, yet games of way smaller studios like Breath of the Wild or ACNH look a lot better, almost as if they weren't even from the same console.
I really don't think pikachu or any of the fairy pokemon like Acreamie or Swirlix are that cute. I personally just think they look/sound annoying.
Yeah it basically proves you have no life lol

lololol exactly. It's basically their attempt at trying to glorify what little they actually have in life.
lololol exactly. It's basically their attempt at trying to glorify what little they actually have in life.

Yeah, I used to game A LOT way back and I definitely had no life back then. Nothing I am proud of and if your gaming takes over your life that much I think you need help more than anything.
Yeah, I used to game A LOT way back and I definitely had no life back then. Nothing I am proud of and if your gaming takes over your life that much I think you need help more than anything.

I was never game obsessed as much as a lot of people but it affected me back then too. I had little irl friends, mainly friends online which is fine but I got crazy lonely when I was "in the real world" so I pretended my life was actually fantastic when I was sad and in shambles. I don't know why anyone would want to glorify that lifestyle.
I was never game obsessed as much as a lot of people but it affected me back then too. I had little irl friends, mainly friends online which is fine but I got crazy lonely when I was "in the real world" so I pretended my life was actually fantastic when I was sad and in shambles. I don't know why anyone would want to glorify that lifestyle.

Yeah, I wasn't a hardcore gamer, more like a loser loner with no better stuff to do lol but yeah they took way too much time... And same, deep down it's not a good lifestyle and I don't envy pro gamers one bit either.
Some of the popular Christmas songs aren?t even real Christmas songs. Cases in point:

- Jingle Bells: It may be the most popular Christmas song, but Santa didn?t fly horses. It doesn?t mention anything about Christmas.
- Frosty the Snowman: What does that have to do with Christmas? It?s just about a snowman. But it does make a good winter song.
- Let it Snow: Again, it?s more about winter and not about Christmas. This song wouldn?t be relevant in Australia or any country in the Southern Hemisphere.
- Winter Wonderland: Another song about winter than Christmas. Just because it?s about winter doesn?t mean it?s about Christmas. It?s also my least favorite Christmas song.
- Baby It?s Cold Outside: I don?t even get why they treat it as a Christmas song. It?s not.
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