The Unpopular Opinions thread

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Political, social, religious, and real-life issues should be abolished from kids' shows- unless the channel is specified for it, and it's something that can be searched for out of choice.
Shane Dawson's content was way better before he was adopted by Jeffree Star
The majority of western comedy movies aren't even that funny to me. I just don't find strip club/bar scenes and smoking weed scenes funny. I swear, scenes like that are in so many comedy movies and it's just obnoxious.

That also goes with toilet humor and immature sexual jokes.
I think that jokes/comedy shouldn't be restricted or censored :p
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i miss his spooky content bro,, petition for him, garrett and drew to make vids together again :c

Drew is the funniest person alive he just has mental illness issues that keep him from posting regularly and getting a lot of traction. I think Shane saw that and featured him constantly. The spooky boys were truly in alignment and blessed. I even like the docuseries but things just started heavily revolving around Jeff. I'm not saying anyone was left behind, I just miss the chemistry that the new duo don't really have.
Political, social, religious, and real-life issues should be abolished from kids' shows- unless the channel is specified for it, and it's something that can be searched for out of choice.

I agree. Do you want to know where else those issues don’t belong in? Awards shows, like the Oscars or Golden Globe Awards. The actors need to shut up about politics in awards shows. What also bothers me is that critics of the award shows praise the celebrities for talking politics instead of keeping their mouths shut about it. Is being neutral a sin? Is it immoral to be a mediator in a political debate?
I agree. Do you want to know where else those issues don’t belong in? Awards shows, like the Oscars or Golden Globe Awards. The actors need to shut up about politics in awards shows. What also bothers me is that critics of the award shows praise the celebrities for talking politics instead of keeping their mouths shut about it. Is being neutral a sin? Is it immoral to be a mediator in a political debate?

I disagree, I think everyone has a right to bring awareness to issues that they are passionate for. If given a platform, and if their intentions are good, then I applaud them for having the strength to appeal where I can't; even if I may not necessarily agree with their views.

It only becomes an issue when hate speech is incorporated in it.
Teen Titans Go isn’t Cartoon Network’s worst show. They are better off airing reboots of shows that ruin good shows than air live-action shows like they did 10 years ago. Teen Titans Go isn’t even the worst cartoon on CN made in America. That honor goes to My Gym Partner’s A Monkey, but at least Gym Partner (as well as any CN Real show) is better than Johnny Test.
I disagree, I think everyone has a right to bring awareness to issues that they are passionate for. If given a platform, and if their intentions are good, then I applaud them for having the strength to appeal where I can't; even if I may not necessarily agree with their views.

It only becomes an issue when hate speech is incorporated in it.

Yea as long as they do it like Marlon Brando did back in the days and don't do it just for some Tv time and such yeah I don't mind. Tbf most galas and stuff are boring unless someone does something, kinda hate this PC climate in later years.
I agree. Do you want to know where else those issues don’t belong in? Awards shows, like the Oscars or Golden Globe Awards. The actors need to shut up about politics in awards shows. What also bothers me is that critics of the award shows praise the celebrities for talking politics instead of keeping their mouths shut about it. Is being neutral a sin? Is it immoral to be a mediator in a political debate?

Exactly- especially since they live lives that are often unaffected by the changes in government/economy regular people have to endure. No one can deny that they have lifestyles and privileges few can afford. They have no right to speak for us in any media.
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Exactly- especially since they live lives that are often unaffected by the changes in government/economy regular people have to endure. No one can deny that they have lifestyles and privileges few can afford. They have no right to speak for us in any media.

It's not as black and white as class division. Celebrities are people too, people seem to forget that.
It's not as black and white as class division. Celebrities are people too, people seem to forget that.

Yeah though when some celebs try standing up for certain mental disorders and barf up stuff like... you do realize how privileged you are and you can probably get help and support easily..
Yeah though when some celebs try standing up for certain mental disorders and barf up stuff like... you do realize how privileged you are and you can probably get help and support easily..

The access to support and medical care can definitley provide higher outcomes in mental health patients
Access to these does not mean the person A: is ready for them, B: that they are able to find a provider they are comfortable with, C: that they will be cured of their mental Illness, D: are able to receive regular care due to busy schedules or E: is able to find the right treatment for them the first time.

Many illnesses stay with the person for their entire lives. Things like bipolar disorder, BPD, DID, and schizophrenia are not curable only treatable. Having money does not make these issues go away.
Depression, anxiety, and PTSD which may go away at some point depending on the level of severity are also NOT determined by the amount of money someone has. And throwing money at these issues will not solve them.
Celebrities lead very stressful and non private lives; they have their set of stressors as well and are allowed to have mental illness just like anyone else.

"Barf up stuff" is extremely insensitive to celebrities who have attempted suicide, are struggling behind closed doors, have had mental illness prior to fame or as a result of fame, or genuinely want to help.

Mental illness comes in all forms and in all walks of life. Dont discredit anyone experiencing these just because you're jealous or angered or whatever it is you feel towards them for having a higher income and accessibility.
snip bc smol screen

I'm not saying everyone, but when they go like "2 weeks on sunny island cured my depression", or "asperger is my best trait" they most likely have enough money and support to get help and trying to spread some false awareness to people thinking they can get help easily, where most countries treat you like crap for it. Also higher income/accessibility shouldn't even be a factor, if you have a proper diagnosis on paper you should get help regardless of status and it should not be a money-driven issue.

I'm not trying to ignore on minimize their issues, but some people really need to shut the **** up about certain things and how they think those things work. I am not jealous, I'm just mildly annoyed by how positive certain people are about things... how about you try to help non-celebs too? And yes they are, but they should look into normal people's lives before saying anything.
I'm not saying everyone, but when they go like "2 weeks on sunny island cured my depression", or "asperger is my best trait" they most likely have enough money and support to get help and trying to spread some false awareness to people thinking they can get help easily, where most countries treat you like crap for it. Also higher income/accessibility shouldn't even be a factor, if you have a proper diagnosis on paper you should get help regardless of status and it should not be a money-driven issue.

I'm not trying to ignore on minimize their issues, but some people really need to shut the **** up about certain things and how they think those things work. I am not jealous, I'm just mildly annoyed by how positive certain people are about things... how about you try to help non-celebs too? And yes they are, but they should look into normal people's lives before saying anything.

You cant determine what celebrity does and does not experience these things because you dont know them. Those celebrities you think are just saying random things could be suffering just as much as anyone else. Celebrities I've paid attention to dont do the whole "2wk vacations cured my depression!" They actually sit down and talk about their experiences and how long it took them TO be happy again if they are at all. I'd honestly like examples of what celebrities you are referring to that do this because I cant think of any.

Also there is nothing wrong with someone being okay about having aspergers. I have plenty of friends who are very open about being on the spectrum and who are proud and view that as a special part of their identity;not ashamed.
If anything having someone on tv telling people they find pride in who they are, regardless of where they are on the spectrum, has inspired many of my friends and patients to find the good in their diagnosis and not focus on the bad they are ridiculed for daily.

Many celebrities who suffer will donate to charities that help people in similar situations or will reach out to families who they notice need help. They cant help, and it is not their responsibility to, help EVERYONE in such a broken system. Raising awareness and encouraging their fans and viewers to push for policy chance regarding health care and mental health care especially is a way they CAN help to improve the situation for everyone. Because we cant improve health care or any of these things without getting our voices heard by those in power.

Positivity is NOT a bad thing. And they are just as "normal" as the rest of us when it comes to mental and physical health. We all struggle from the same diseases.
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Unless you know Swedish and/or willing to read some bs media thru Google Translate then you're out, but I can provide link if you want. And yes you're right they are people, therefore they should mind what they say and write. Depression is a way more serious thing than just resting for some weeks and then it's all okay.

Not saying it's wrong, but people need to stop saying it can be so "easy" and maintainable. There are different degrees and sadly not everyone gets the same help. It's more often an annoyance and hinder rather than helping you be passionate or whatever. I think more attention need to be on struggles, especially on highfunctions that gets treated like crap by authorities because those think you are faking stuff basically.

Again, I'm not saying they don't help but they need to realize they probably can get help easier while 99% of the others don't. Also power, can be abused.
It's not as black and white as class division. Celebrities are people too, people seem to forget that.

They are people. I wasn't saying that. They have lifestyles that are not average, therefore they can avoid the possible negative consequences of the changes they call for. That's all I was saying.
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