This pertains more to the academic field of history, but ummmmm... Some authors need to take a chill pill. I will not read your article if it's made up of sentences that take up half a page and are filled with jargon when you could have used simpler terms.
History papers are often used by authors to showcase their intellect.
If you talk about Hegel and Foucault I won't like you. In fact, I'll hate you if you talk about history theory and methodology.
Gender studies are valid and so important, people bashing it have no idea what it actually entails and are just parroting memes.
Archaeology > history
Extreme forms of anarchism- like when people say 'f**k the police'- doesn't make any sense.
Who you going to call if you get stabbed, or someone breaks into your home? Probably the police. They serve some purpose, ya know.
Extreme forms of anarchism- like when people say 'f**k the police'- doesn't make any sense.
Who you going to call if you get stabbed, or someone breaks into your home? Probably the police. They serve some purpose, ya know.
Extreme forms of anarchism- like when people say 'f**k the police'- doesn't make any sense.
Who you going to call if you get stabbed, or someone breaks into your home? Probably the police. They serve some purpose, ya know.
Stitches is not a cute villager. He's rather terrifying
yeah i havent bothered to TT yet since i still need to make some hefty bank but yeah this extreme slowness really makes me want to hit the button soon leaf's early-game progression is superior to new horizons'. i'm loving new horizons so far, but the first few days are just a chore to get through. barely anything is available to you and it takes ages to get what new leaf gave you at the very start, despite having literally no reason to with how much more content new horizons has
wasn't planning on doing any time travelling but this pushed me to do it
Arguing with people online is a waste of time.
I know a lot of people think this but still a lot of people still argue anyway! No I don't have time to respond to you or write an essay to you or provide 10 articles to prove my points. I have much better things to do.
new leaf's early-game progression is superior to new horizons'. i'm loving new horizons so far, but the first few days are just a chore to get through. barely anything is available to you and it takes ages to get what new leaf gave you at the very start, despite having literally no reason to with how much more content new horizons has
wasn't planning on doing any time travelling but this pushed me to do it
time traveling and using methods to exploit bell earning in game, is still a form of cheating. LOL
I'm just mentioning this because last night i saw a lot of people complain that they don't cheat in acnh and earn all their bells (15 million+ ....? hard to believe but ok i trust you) regardless it is still cheating the game, so don't argue "you're not cheating" lol
and it clearly states ^^^ at the top of every page on here, no offering crowns or exorbitant amounts of bells! but they don't listen. that is cheating on the forums because you are not listening to the rules,,,![]()