The Unpopular Opinions thread

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Simple Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>> Complex Gameplay

Even if there one or two gimmicks, simpler gameplay is more enjoyable than complex gameplay. That’s why the 3D Mario games beat DK64 and a handful of other Rare games.
Why do adult comedy movies all seem to contain a binge drinking/smoking weed and/or a strip club scene? Usually they both happen in the same scene.

Maybe I'm not the target audience but I don't get what's funny about it?
I'm sure this is a very unpopular opinion, but I actually kind of like working? And no it's not like I have a very enjoyable or even respectable job, as I work behind the tills at a very popular retail store after all. I just kind of like that it gets me out and forces me to talk with other people, and even the silly things like cleaning up the place and putting everything away or helping an old lady to the car, gives me a little injection of joy and pride for what I do. And yes while I don't currently work full time, I have in the past and still had the same feelings as I currently do right now.
i prefer bitter chocolat
I dont like super hero movies
I prefer the 80’s comics
I dont like milk
Idk if it's unpopular but Undertale > Deltarune

And Finale > Megalovania

Ketchup is only good on chicken and that's it

Donuts and ice cream both aren't that great (at least plain ice cream)

My favorite undertale character is Flowey

And Papyrus > Sans
i have a bunch more unpopular opinions (pretty sure some of these i already posted on here and i don't really remember but oh well)
-I don't like fortnite
-I don't like tiktok
-I have a burning hate for k-pop and pretty much any new music that's out (besides music from newer games i like)
-2002-2011 was the best time to be alive, so much more wholesome and amazing to be honest.
-I HATE cottagecore, fairycore, or any other cute themes (except mermaid, that's pretty cool to me.)
-I also hate many popular villagers (Raymond, Judy, Sherb, Dom is ok, Marshal, etc)
-Okay but in general I hate some things people think are cute
-At this point I might as well hate on 2016-today because I just really don't like it now lol
-Cake is better than ice cream
-Pearl is clearly superior to Marina, and Callie is clearly superior to Marie.
-The best episode of Spongebob isn't Band Geeks, it's Party Pooper Pants, or Sailor mouth... okay anything from Season 3 (I know Sailor Mouth is season 2).
-iCarly is superior to Drake and Josh but I still love them both
-Anime is trash
-I like both Coca Cola and Pepsi equally
-I've never drunk coffee before, but i've had coffee flavored things and can say that it doesn't taste good.
-Domino's Pizza isn't all that great- neither is pretty much any pizza place we have here.
-I don't like Marvel or DC
Crybaby > K-12. Everyone seems to like K-12 because there's a movie and everything, but I've been following Melanie ever since I was in 4th grade and will always like Crybaby album better
Guys l got one, okay l don't know if this counts but I love RC/Royal Crown, and yes l like it better than Cola and there is a difference between them. Cola kinda like sticks to my teeth as RC doesn't and Cola tastes sweeter than RC.
Me and my RC!
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