The Unpopular Opinions thread

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Bringing this old topic back for nostalgia.

Android is better than Apple.
Yeah,I'd say that The Kinks overall,weighed more than The Beatles.Ringo brought down their average weight.
Lmao this.

I like some of Kinks' stuff though, though I must say I am a heavier Beatles fan aha.
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I think flip flops look great, but are super uncomfortable 😖 Everyone I met said they are comfy!
Same, I can't stand having that peg between my toes D:
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I think flip flops look great, but are super uncomfortable 😖 Everyone I met said they are comfy!
I know what you mean! I remember when those dollar store (probably made with lead paint) flip flops were popular. Everybody I knew wore them and I couldn't because that plastic toe thing legit would make my feet bleed. They still do! Luckily companies started making them with a fabric toe thing so I can wear some kinds without issues now. I'm still very picky with them. I'm very picky with shoes in general as my ankles, in between toes and heels bleed easily from cheaply/harshly made shoes.
Have you tried the fabric type toe thing? It might help!
At this point in summer living on the highest floor of a building without AC so I have to have the windows open continuously, mosquito bites just don't bother me anymore. The sudden high pitch sound they make when flying next to my ear is way more annoying than the actual sting.
I know what you mean! I remember when those dollar store (probably made with lead paint) flip flops were popular. Everybody I knew wore them and I couldn't because that plastic toe thing legit would make my feet bleed. They still do! Luckily companies started making them with a fabric toe thing so I can wear some kinds without issues now. I'm still very picky with them. I'm very picky with shoes in general as my ankles, in between toes and heels bleed easily from cheaply/harshly made shoes.
Have you tried the fabric type toe thing? It might help!
omg you're the first person I met that feels the same way!! <3
Fabric sounds much more comfortable than the hard plastic 😍 I would love to try them if I come across them shopping, thanks so much for the recommendation!! I'm happy that you could find some kinds like that which work well for you! I agree that cheaply made shoes can be so damaging :eek: I think being picky with shoes is a good thing in the long run 🏃‍♂️ Especially since wearing shoes is a daily thing and you don't want them to cause injury from being cheaply made!
Foods like pizza tastes better when facing upside town on your tongue or rolled up like a sandwich.
Foods like pizza tastes better when facing upside town on your tongue or rolled up like a sandwich.
Rolling up I get. A bad pizza gets a lot more tolerable when rolled up. But upside down? I can see where you're coming from in theory perhaps, your tastebuds would hit the actual tasteful parts of the pizza and not just the dough, but- It's a horrendous thought. Upside down? Sacrilege. How do you even eat it? Do all the toppings not just fall down? Lmao I'm laughing at myself how much the thought of this is riling me up d:
Hot dogs are boring...and l hate pink, the bright popular shade of pink.
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It’s a shame to see traditional handhelds start to die out. The Switch is a great system, but the bulky size and poor battery make it impractical as a handheld device. The ease of just putting a folded 3DS into your pocket allows for so many opportunities during travel.
the 3ds does have a better battery life for a smaller console than big fatty switch. I agreed what all you said.
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If they would do that and not creep in showers and in the garden...
did you ever yelled when seeing one in the bathroom, because my sister does.
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don't have any cats 😎
who needs cats when you have cool lizards👍
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@Mr_Persona Yes, I've seen it too many times in showers and bathtubs and everywhere and they freak me out.

Also ketchup is insanely overrated and I don't get people who eat it with literally everything
Yeah I remove them too, I don't care how much people care about non-violence; spiders creep the heck outta me. Man.
my sister think l'm violent when l kill bugs, like really you don't like bugs so what's wrong when l kill them for you so they don't bug you. You know. l killed many annoying flys, spiders, and more, to get rid of them.
my sister think l'm violent when l kill bugs, like really you don't like bugs so what's wrong when l kill them for you so they don't bug you. You know. l killed many annoying flys, spiders, and more, to get rid of them.
Yeah i don't get people who think it's animal violence to kill small bugs if you're creeped out by them, it's not that they are human??? or idk some people have weird philosophies
Yeah i don't get people who think it's animal violence to kill small bugs if you're creeped out by them, it's not that they are human??? or idk some people have weird philosophies
l'm not scared of bugs but l really don't know why other people are, l guess humans don't like small crawling things, reminds me of elephants. Just strange that l can't fully explain.
l'm not scared of bugs but l really don't know why other people are, l guess humans don't like small crawling things, reminds me of elephants. Just strange that l can't fully explain.
Yeah, size doesn't matter there... Though I'd rather encounter a wild elephant than a crane fly.
Christmas is the best holiday. I have so many good memories associated with it (except last year was the tiebreaker, as I was extremely sick and resorted to opening presents with a vomit bucket in my lap)
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