The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Especially looking for Shep and Stitches!
I really need a dog in my town because I love dogs (IRL). Shep is my dreamie dog. :)
I sew and knit so Stitches has always been a favorite of mine.

Also looking for Tangy, Tia, and Vesta
Looking for dream villagers in signature.
Also Derwin moving n 31st
Really? No takers for Gaston........? :p

"No one's slick as Gaston~
No one's quick as Gaston~
No one's mustache's as incredibly thick as Gaston's"
Tammy the cub is moving out, any takers?

EDIT: Claimed.
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Oh someone pleaseeeeeeeee take Gaston, you wont regret it! I hate to see my babies enter the void.
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