Yeah--being sick stinks. :/ I'm still getting better and actually have to head upstate today for the week which sucks. x-x
Hope you feel better!
I'm supposed to work today, but am trying to get my shift covered since I feel like I would be a nuisance more than anything. Even AC is making me nauseous without 3D on or anything. u.u
I've been sick for the past nine months but doctors couldn't figure out what it was, luckily I've been feeling ookaaay for a week or two. Now this. Sighh. I'm just hoping it's one of those things that runs it's course in 24hours, because I'm supposed to be going to a family reunion this weekend and I'm sure you'd agree being in a car does not seem appealing right now!
Alright so Yuka will move out, hopefully Twiggy will (she's cute and sweet but she chose an awful location!) and I'm still looking for Merengue as a surprise gift to my boyfriend, and Fauna.
I was really hoping to stay at this forum for a long time today to find Merengue for him, but it doesn't seem very plausible anymore while I'm feeling like this... I would appreciate if anyone could send me a PM if they spot Merengue, I'm going to try and check back every so often. n.n
Feel better soon Jennifer, and anyone else who's feeling icky!