The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Does anybody have kitty as a dream villager?
I'll be TTing her out if I don't get an offer from the other thread in 20 minutes. If you'd like her let me know.
Agnes told me she wants to move on the 6th. She isn't going to last that long most likely. If anyone wants her, she can be yours tonight.

Agnes, up for adoption.
Filbert successfully gifted away. Feels good man. Finally back to nine villagers and I can relax
How do I join the Dream Crossing group? Do I send a PM to Cielle or is there something on the group page to request to get in?
This isn't the right place, and I'm sorry for that. But I have a Fang up for trade... Anyone know someone who has them as a dreamie?
This isn't the right place, and I'm sorry for that. But I have a Fang up for trade... Anyone know someone who has them as a dreamie?

If you check the spreadsheet that's linked in the OP, you can find names of people looking for Fang, and it's a good bet he's a dreamie.
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