The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Maybe the wrong thread was moved by accident? Or maybe both will be moved here. I guess the giving of animals counts economy? lol.
Who moved the thread?!?!?! I got online and freaked out b/c the thread was gone! :eek:

On that note... I'm going to TT Cole out later, and I promised him to mewtfan. I just need to find him online >-<

And why isn't the Exchange thread here?!? Thta's more of a retail-type deal, just say'n...
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Last call for Lucha!

Maybe it was moved here so that the Wi-Fi Rating would show?

Edit: Lucha is gone.
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I dont need stitches anymore! I was lucky enough to have him at my campsite. But if anyone has pietro I would LOVE TO HAVE HIM. Words cannot describe how much i love that clown!
Hey i got a idea why don't you put the villager you want in your signature and wait Intl some one offers them to you so you can stop posting who you want on (THE GIVEAWAY THREAD) where you post the villagers of yours who are moving!
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Hey mint i don't want Lucha but i see you have Skye can i maybe have her?

No, sorry. Those are my sky-themed town's villagers. I guess I'll post under it to say which villagers I'm trying to kick out.
Sorry, I should've posted the link for "Dream Crossing" group's "Desperately Seeking..." section earlier, it is at and yes, I think that it makes more sense to post requests and signature updates in the Exchange thread, where the requests seem less demanding =_=? This *is* the Giveaway thread, where people are already being kind enough to share, please don't bombard them with requests?

Very helpful post. :)
By continuously posting which villagers you're looking for, you're also burying all of the posts of those who have villagers to giveaway.
Timbra is moving on the 12th! Will probably TT her out later today or tomorrow. PM if you're interested!
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