The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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if anyone has felicity or chrissy my brother would love to give either of them a home!!!
shep is in boxes

looking for :
Apollo , Gayle ,Maple , Phoebe , Marshal ,Rosie , Chrissy & Whitney <3

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i wanted to trade her, but i guess ill just give her away: Becky the snooty chicken is up for quick grab!
Looking for: Apple, Deli, Lolly, Portia, Melba, & Monty.

Probably not going to score Apple or Lolly from a giveaway thread, but it doesn't hurt to try. >w<;
The person who was giving me Melba before randomly pewfed, so I'm trying again. :x
I would love to add a Pate to my collection :) if anyone has one.

That, or Egbert/Gladys/Amelia/Camofrog/Goose. But mostly Pate!
It's my friend's birthday today so I'd really like to find Julian for her.
I know it's a looong shot but if anybody is willing to part with this fabulous unicorn, please PM me. ^^
I'm desperately looking for Muffy! Please send me a PM if you have her in boxes please.
Bye bye Broccolo, have fun in the void :(

Well even though no one wanted your Broccolo, mine is leaving my main town on the 18th. So if anyone wants to reserve him for then (I don't TT main town) feel free.

Also on my alt town I have Joey in boxes, so it no-one wants this adorable duck in a diaper his future will be 'bleeeeeck'.
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Kabuki the cat is packed and leaving
priority goes to those with him on their dream list
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