The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Okay, I gave some extra time just incase but he has to go now, CharmingBerry are you available straight away?

Sorry MyLifeIsCake, I would rather give him straight to someone who is looking for him rather than having someone hold him for someone else.
I feel bad I can't hold him longer :(

Yes definitely ;)
Okay, I gave some extra time just incase but he has to go now, CharmingBerry are you available straight away?

Sorry MyLifeIsCake, I would rather give him straight to someone who is looking for him rather than having someone hold him for someone else.
I feel bad I can't hold him longer :(

Yeah, I completely understand ;) You don't want him all over the place >.<
The one time I look away from this thread I lose a chance at Kyle...

Looking for wolf villagers.
i was giving hopper away to someone i kinda messed up and deleted their pm
uh i forgot your username

all i know is that you had a K-ON icon i think
if you know them PM me i guess
Robin the Snooty Bird is moving!

Please let me know immediately if you'd like her, she's free for the taking~
Ah! I see you changed your icon to Muffy!

Ah yes! She looks so cute :blush:
Im beyong happy, she is unpacking today and already talked to her like a million times lol

Also I will try to get Sparro to move soon and I cant remember who was looking for him a few days ago >_<
Is anyone looking for Vesta? Would prefer to give her to someone who wants as a dreamy
I have a friend who wants her...sadly they wont be home until tomorow...Dont know if they even have room...
Is anyone looking for Vesta? Would prefer to give her to someone who wants as a dreamy

Yes, but I won't have room until Merengue moves out (I'm not sure whether she'll be picked up today or tomorrow) :( :(

If you still have her tomorrow, I'll have space for her. Otherwise, I hope she finds a good home!
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