The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Bluebear the Peppy Bear Cub is moving!

I've had her quite a while, but it's time to let her go. :)
bluebear is adorable but i'm sure there's someone with her as a dream villager and i would much rather let them have her
bluebear is adorable but i'm sure there's someone with her as a dream villager and i would much rather let them have her

I'm honestly not too fussed about "dream villagers". If people want a villager I'm offering up for free, then they have their own reasons for wanting them. Whether they keep or sell or trade them away again after they leave my town is entirely up to them. (This seems like an unpopular opinion here, though. o: )

I'll take Bluebear!!

Excellent! Have you got space in your town right now?
Yes!! Twiggy finally moved out on Monday.:cool:

Congrats on your timely move-out. xD

I added you and my gates are open! Come on over whenever you're ready~

Standard spiel: sorry my town's a mess, items everywhere, etc, etc. You can run and take all the flowers you want, but please leave my items where they are. o:
bill is moving soon
TT him out very quick if no one wants him
*edit* adopted
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Looking for Dreamies in my siggy. I already have : Dotty, Bud, and am getting Yuka, might get cookie!
If anyone has Fang in their town that they are willing to give up, I'd love to take him! He's my very last dream villager and I hope you guys can help make my dreams come true! /clich? lol, just PM or leave me a visitor's message!
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