The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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oh crap i just remembered my ds doesn't have wifi here and it's my digital version ;;

i can't trade you her for two hours ugh
Anyone want Winnie only available for 5 mins then she is gone!
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peanut, benjamin, bubbles, mathilda, pashmina and kevin are all up for grabs from my town if anyone wants them! i'm also looking for dotty, ruby, bunnie, diana, rosie and tangy.
Looking at the cats I realized I want Merry more than Lolly. So now my top 2 are Merry and Whitney.
Trying to reserve Dizzy, Vesta, and Deirdre! Please PM or VM me if you see or have any of these villagers up for reserve here! Keep in mind I already have 1 definite and 1 possible reserved villagers (2 in total) and I don't time travel.
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we're trying the villager pool thing so hopefully that will work :c

Aw~! I hope it works out for you ;:;v;:; but maybe you can offer to buy someone else's Marshal for 20mil. Then they can just give him to the person you were suppose to trade Julian with c: Someone may be kind enough to help out. I wish you the best of luck <3
Beau is moving on the 26th. I want to keep him, but if someone REALLY wants him I can give him away.
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