The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Maple and Tammy are leaving! (One in each of my towns)
Please post in my evictions thread if you want either!
I'm about to get rid of Gladys the Normal Ostrich, just TT'ing to the day she's going.. Anybody want her?
I want Julian!

poop I was too late... :(

I had him as a dream villager then gave up because everyone wants him -.-
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I love Julian but...there's a possibility I'm getting Stitches tomorrow so...I've gotta save spot 10 for him just in case.
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I want Julian!

poop I was too late... :(

I had him as a dream villager then gave up because everyone wants him -.-

I totally don't want him lol he's cute though but I just can't connect with him! Ill keep an eye out since I'm cycling through villagers for him and let you know when I get him again :3
Haha ok. XD Julian is a little TOO fabulous for me if you know what I mean. I only like him because he's a unicorn and would fit my mythical villagers theme. But, if you find him or Kyle I would happily take either off your hands! :D
I have Kyle in my main town :) but I unfortunately told someone that I'd give him to her :/ if it doesn't work out though you can have him :)
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