The Wishing Well - THE END!

😇 Prizes Unlocked! 😇

Congratulations everyone! The community has successfully unlocked all 12 milestones for both Farley and Serena! Farley ended with 7969 Fairy Dust contributed, and Serena ended with 7969 Fairy Dust contributed.

6005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
12005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
18005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
24005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
30005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
360025 Bells 💰 ✅1 Ticket 🎟️ ✅
42005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
48005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
540030 Bells 💰 ✅1 Ticket 🎟️ ✅
60005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
66005 Bells ✅3 Bells ✅
720035 Bells 💰 ✅1 Ticket 🎟️ ✅

In total, you have unlocked 162 Bells and 3 Tickets for your efforts. Amazing work everyone! Your prizes will be distributed directly to your account later today on August 30th if you contributed Fairy Dust at any point during the window.

The fifth and final Blessing Window is scheduled to begin on Thursday, September 1st at 3PM Fair Time approximately. We'll see you back then for the finale of The Wishing Well!

Special thanks to Jeremy for working with me to distribute the prizes directly!
Your prizes should be delivered now! Enjoy and see you soon.
Did anyone not recieve their tickets or bells yet? I haven't and even checked my transaction list incase I missed them. 😢
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😇 Current Blessing Window 😇

The final Blessing Window has begun on Thursday, September 1st at 3PM Fair Time and will end on Saturday, September 3rd at 3PM Fair Time. Times are approximate.

The following prizes are available to the community during this Blessing Window if the matching milestones are met for Farley or Serena:

6003 Bells3 Bells
12003 Bells3 Bells
18003 Bells3 Bells
24003 Bells3 Bells
30003 Bells3 Bells
36001 Ticket 🎟️1 Ticket 🎟️
42003 Bells3 Bells
48003 Bells3 Bells
540010 Bells 💰10 Bells 💰
60003 Bells3 Bells
66003 Bells3 Bells
720015 Bells 💰15 Bells 💰
78003 Bells3 Bells
84003 Bells3 Bells
900020 Bells 💰20 Bells 💰
96003 Bells3 Bells
102003 Bells3 Bells
1080040 Bells 💰40 Bells 💰
114003 Bells3 Bells
120003 Bells3 Bells
12600Blue Rosewater Potion
Rosewater Potion
12601+0.02 Bells each 💰0.02 Bells each 💰

The Blue Rosewater Potion
and Rosewater Potion
are brand new collectibles that will be released for free to participants if our community contributes 12600 Fairy Dust to Farley and Serena respectively! If milestones for both collectibles are reached, you will be able to choose between having one of each, or two of one. Wowee!

Additionally, if you reach the 12600 Fairy Dust milestone on Farley or Serena, each additional dust donated will earn you 0.02 Bells rounded up to the nearest whole number!

Note: In the unfortunate case of any Rosewater Potion collectible remaining unreleased during this event, rest assured it will be released during a future forum event instead — not lost forever.

😇 Bonus Fairy Dust! 😇

Woah, get a load of those Fairy Dust goals! To help assist you with these lofty goals for the final Blessing Window, both Farley and Serena have created special challenges that will earn you bonus Fairy Dust!

😇 Farley's Community Labyrinth 😇

Farley presents the special Farley's Community Labyrinth challenge to complete! If you navigate this particularly challenging maze and help our dearest Farley escape, you will earn 2400 Fairy Dust [Claimed By Snek] as a community for your efforts. Play Farley's Community Labyrinth by clicking here!

😇 Serena's Community Mirror 😇

Serena presents the special Serena's Community Mirror challenge to complete! If you solve this particularly challenging mirror, you will earn 2400 Fairy Dust [Claimed By DaCoSim] as a community for your efforts. Note that Serena has spun a special twist on this mirror making it a little different from others in past... follow her Broken Mirror, Lost Mirror Fragments, and Mirror Journal below to solve the challenge!


1: You are standing at a location on Earth. You walk 5 miles north, then 5 miles west, then 5 miles south and finish at the same place you started. Add together the Latitude & Longitude of your location.

2: There are 56 Bicycles, 14 Tricycles, and 15 cars. A tricycle tire requires 0.8 lbs of rubber to produce, a bicycle tire requires 0.65 lbs of rubber, and a car tire requires 1.5 lbs of rubber. Every pound of rubber needs 2/3 jars of dye to color the material. If all of the rubber is made in one mixture, how many jars of dye were used to make the tires for the vehicles? Any jar of dye that is opened cannot be reused, so any leftover partial jars must be disposed of.

3: You are on a game show where the host asks you to select one of three doors. Behind one door is a prize, but both of the other doors have nothing. You cannot tell which door has the prize so you must guess the correct door to win. After selecting door #2, the host reveals the contents of door #3 to be empty, so the prize is still available. The host then asks, “Before we reveal the contents of the next door, do you want to switch your answer?”. You decide to change your guess to door #1. Multiply the probability you win the prize by 200, then round the answer to the nearest whole number.

4: You have a garden in your back yard surrounded by a fence 45 feet long and 13 yards wide. There is a 3 foot wide dirt path running around the perimeter of the garden on the inside of the fence. In the center of the garden is a circular pond, with a distance across that is exactly the cube root of 32768 feet. The rest of the garden is covered half and half in grass and flowers. How many square feet of grass are in your garden, rounded to the nearest whole number?

5: After enjoying a fantastic TBT fair, Jeremy celebrates with a big bowl of ice cream. Afterwards he weighs in at 140 lbs. Jeremy then takes a spaceship to the Moon to take advantage of the lower gravity. When he steps on the scale at the moon, what is Jeremy’s mass in pounds?

6: Your roommate challenges you to a game. They will flip a coin 1000 times and you must guess whether it will land heads or tails facing up. Before each toss, your roommate will show you which side of the coin is up. You decide to take the challenge and try to best your roommate at the game. The stakes are $200 for the winner, and none for the loser. If there is a tie you split the money evenly. How much money do you have at the end of the game?

Hello, Serena here!

I must pass on a little message that was missed from my Mirror Journal, since Justin is dumb.

My Mirror Fragments should be sequenced from lowest to highest! Hehe! Hehe!

Serena's Mirror Journal Answers

2: 131
3: 133
4: 241
5: 140
6: 200

Serena's Mirror Fragments Pieced Together


Final Answer: NIGHTMARE from Kirby

The following guidelines apply to both Farley's Community Labyrinth and Serena's Community Mirror:
  • To complete the challenges, you will use the Redemption Codes feature. Click here to open the Redeem page for Fairy Dust where you can submit an answer for Farley or Serena. Use all caps and no spaces.
  • We consider these challenges to be difficult and are unlikely to be instantly solved, however...
  • You may work together as a community in this thread to complete both the maze and the mirror, and are encouraged to do so per the collective spirit of this event! By working together as a team, you can conquer any challenge!
  • The Fairy Dust may only be collected once per challenge by the first participant to successfully solve each challenge.
  • The participant who collects the Fairy Dust for each challenge will get to choose how they wish to donate the Fairy Dust to our gods at The Wishing Well on the behalf of the entire community.
  • Special thanks to Mistreil, Laudine, and Oblivia for working on these challenges.
Good luck!

Finally, users who hold a large amount of undonated Fairy Dust during this Blessing Window will have a reminder notification displayed to them encouraging a donation! We hope this will assist you in recruiting some new previously unengaged members to your cause to reach these tall goals and assist with bonus challenges.
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