The Wishing Well

I wish for an orange wall DIY recipe 🥺


thanks to the lovely Lattecakes!
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I wish i had some Cherry blossom DIY. I've been trying to farm them all day but only managed to get a cherry blossom pond. Curse you BunnyDay!
I wish for any of my missing Bamboo DIY’s: partition, stool, shelf, drum, lunchbox, floor lamp <3

Hi, sorry don’t have diys but can craft pretty much any bamboo items for you if it helps
I already posted here, but I wish to catalog the light switches. I've been looking for them everywhere but can never find them. I can definitely pay in NMT or IGB since I already made a wish.

Edit: Wish granted! Got all but the brown one, which I should be getting soon! Thank you, everyone, for your generosity 🥰
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My wish is for different colored floor lights other than pink.

So far I’ve gotten green, red, white, lt blue, and purple. Thanks to everyone whose helped me 😊!
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Currently trying to find a wish to grant but in the mean time.... I know it's a biggy, iv been trying so hard to get a pink and blue public bench

EDIT wish granted! Tysm @Bethboj
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I already posted here, but I wish to catalog the light switches. I've been looking for them everywhere but can never find them. I can definitely pay in NMT or IGB since I already made a wish.
Hi, I can order a brown light switch but it will have to be tomorrow as I’m up to order limit today. No charge, bonus wish.