The Wishing Well

I wish for an orange or an apple :)

Wish granted!
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I wish for the Fire Pit item.

I have one you can catalog!

I already posted here, but I wish to catalog the light switches. I've been looking for them everywhere but can never find them. I can definitely pay in NMT or IGB since I already made a wish.

I have the wood grain and white ones on me! You can catalog the white one and I ordered an extra wood grain the other day, you can have that one. ^^
Currently trying to find a wish to grant but in the mean time.... I know it's a biggy, iv been trying so hard to get a pink and blue public bench
Hiya! Not sure if anyone has granted your wish yet, but I can order them for you. Let me know how many you would like. ^.^
I don't TT, so you can grab them from me tomorrow. :eek: