The Wrong Answer Game

No, they want to live a boring life.

Do boys just want to be cool (That didn't make any sense; it doesn't have to)?
No, it didn't. o-o Girls just want to have fun.

Why do people typically say 'hello' or 'hi' when greeting each other?
Because you're suppose to say 'ahoy' .-. ...

Can cow's laugh milk out their nose? o-O
Yes, but sometimes it just runs out of their noses randomly.

Why do people wear shoes?
A penguin on wheels.

How come this has gone on for so long? Don't you kids read books or something?!?!?
Because it wants to get away from your stench

Where is the Tower of Pisa located?
It's located in New York City, check it out sometime!

Why do I like sunflower seeds when they have the shell, but not when they don't?