The "You're Banned" Game

Banned because I believe you.

Banned because

Banned for creeping me out...

Banned because you're the creeper talking about being in people's nightmares.

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Banned because I'm not broken, yo. Cut that **** out.

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Banned because quit being creepy Kevin. You're scaring people.

Banned because Myst's not trying to tag team with you so stop it Veronica.
Banned because you're the creeper talking about being in people's nightmares.

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Banned because Myst's not trying to tag team with you so stop it Veronica.

Banned because I creeped myself out by taking your messages out of context then.
Banned because you're the creeper talking about being in people's nightmares.

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Banned because Myst's not trying to tag team with you so stop it Veronica.

Banned because nobody said anything about tag team.
Banned for taking so long just to come up with that. How disappointing.

Banned because my fridge was running so I had to chase it. Don't be disappointed in me.

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Banned because I creeped myself out by taking your messages out of context then.

Banned because say sorry.

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Banned because nobody said anything about tag team.

Banned because just be quiet.
Banned because my fridge was running so I had to chase it. Don't be disappointed in me.

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Banned because say sorry.

Banned because Myst doesn't need to apologize. They took it, the way you implied it.
Also banned for bad jokes, and banned because you're a disappointment to us all.
Banned because Myst doesn't need to apologize. They took it, the way you implied it.
Also banned for bad jokes, and banned because you're a disappointment to us all.

Banned because it's not they, it's only one person.