banned bc I jst ate pizza
Banned because I'm jealous.
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Banned because that is not even an intelligent response.
Banned because you are trying to avoid a explanation for your stalker ways.
banned bc I jst ate pizza
Banned because that is not even an intelligent response.
banned bc I jst ate pizza
I just ate vegetable medley with tuna...I had a healthy meal to make up for my chili binge.
Banned because I'm jealous.
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Banned because you are trying to avoid a explanation for your stalker ways.
Banned because I'm jealous.
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Banned because you are trying to avoid a explanation for your stalker ways.
Banned because I'm a stalker too!That's why I made a stalking thread, duh.
banned bc I really want ice cream
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bannedd bc omg same yo
banned bc lets be fat together
Banned because stalkers everywhere!
Banned because fat is awesome.
banned bc bless
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banned bc I cant gain weight
banned bc bless
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banned bc I cant gain weight
Banned because I'm a stalker too!That's why I made a stalking thread, duh.
Banned because it's your "About Me." that you posted publicly for people to look at.
banned bc I really want ice cream
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bannedd bc omg same yo
Banned because that's great! (You always say that) We have three stalkers and one normal person.
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Banned because you won't tell anyone your age you elderly person.
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Banned because I rather have cheesecake.
Banned because anything is possible, if you just believe.
Banned because that's great! (You always say that) We have three stalkers and one normal person.
Banned because Myst and Toadsworthy know.
Banned because yeah!
Banned because who's the normal person?
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Banned because yup. I used math to figure it out. ^^
Banned because that's great! (You always say that) We have three stalkers and one normal person.
Banned because Myst and Toadsworthy know.
Banned because yeah!
Banned because who's the normal person?
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Banned because yup. I used math to figure it out. ^^
Banned because it's ellabella, but she's not here right now.
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Banned for trying to pose as a normal person, when you're the most abnormal.
Banned because you already know.
Banned because I said it in this thread. Go and find where!~
Banned because I would like to know too old wisdom carrying person.
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Banned because you already know.
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Banned because you just won't admit that I'm normal and you're not.