The "You're Banned" Game

banned bc yea
I play soccer
so I tagged the cute guy that also plays soccer

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banned bc it would've been
if it wasn't a large male curled up in a ball

Banned because xD sounds hilarious, then.

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Banned because I don't think so. ~

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Banned because you know what?

Banned 'cause I know it's not "thank".
Banned because I don't think so. ~

Banned because there's your answer then. Also banned for trying to copy me with the "~" thing. Triple banned because only I can end sentences with them~ Quadruple banned because I bet you weren't expecting this now, were you?
Banned because there's your answer then. Also banned for trying to copy me with the "~" thing. Triple banned because only I can end sentences with them~ Quadruple banned because I bet you weren't expecting this now, were you?

banned bc excuse me? I also end sentences with~
Banned because xD sounds hilarious, then.

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Banned 'cause I know it's not "thank".

Banned because what is it supposed to be then?

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Banned because there's your answer then. Also banned for trying to copy me with the "~" thing. Triple banned because only I can end sentences with them~ Quadruple banned because I bet you weren't expecting this now, were you?

Banned because what do you think? Are you a smart butt? Double ban because this is America and I have the freedom of speech. ~ Triple ban because everyone has that symbol on their keyboard/pad. So you are not the only one who can end sentences with them. Fourth ban because I was expecting this. I can time travel. So your schooled. Me 4 You 0