The "You're Banned" Game

Banned for making me write out a paragraph each time I respond to you. Second ban because okay smart butt people who live in America can use the symbol that no one knows what's it for. Third ban because I'm cooler then you so what are you talking about? Fourth ban because what do you mean it doesn't work with everyone. Fourth ban because I wasn't expecting it from anyone. How do you know we're in the time zone you freaky stalker? 2K was the referee so go figure.

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Banned because you owe me your life now.

Banned because take it.
Banned for always saying same. Double banned because your signature is not centered. Triple banned because I bet you're going to go fix it now. Quadruple banned because I need to slow down with these bans...

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Banned because are we in Wonderland? And are you the Mad Hatter?

Banned because we're all mad here.

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banned bc gn

Banned because Good night ^-^
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Banned because you're welcome. lmao Double banned because you don't know what it's for. Triple banned because you are underestimating how cool I am. Okay? Ask 2k. They can verify for me. Quadruple ban for not understanding. Fifth ban for using "fourth ban" twice. You can't do that, silly. Banned because you told me yourself! Also, since when was 2k the referee? Where's the evidence?

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Banned because *because. x2 Because because you should. Banned because this is too much fun to stop now.

Banned because I'm glad you are practicing to write your stories by banning me with paragraphs. Double banned because 9.9 people out of 10 don't know what it's for. Triple ban because anyone who isn't me is automatically not cool as me. 2k rated you a 0.5 out of 10. Fourth ban because no one would understand your crazy talk. Fifth ban because since I'm so cool I can say it twice. Sixth ban for remembering what I said stalker. Seventh ban because you forgot to write sixth ban. 2k was the referee since me and you were born. Eighth ban because there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis at a 100% significance level and conclude that Myst cannot beat Champ at his own game.

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Banned because take it.

Banned for selling your soul to me.
Banned because I'm glad you are practicing to write your stories by banning me with paragraphs. Double banned because 9.9 people out of 10 don't know what it's for. Triple ban because anyone who isn't me is automatically not cool as me. 2k rated you a 0.5 out of 10. Fourth ban because no one would understand your crazy talk. Fifth ban because since I'm so cool I can say it twice. Sixth ban for remembering what I said stalker. Seventh ban because you forgot to write sixth ban. 2k was the referee since me and you were born. Eighth ban because there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis at a 100% significance level and conclude that Myst cannot beat Champ at his own game.

Banned because I'm actually editing it more right now. I'm glad you're practicing your English though. Maybe your grammar will improve too by doing this. :p Double banned because it's for ending your sentences with a fabulous little flourish~ Tripled banned because that's biased. Quadruple banned because I do not talk crazy. Where's your proof? Fifth ban because I doubt that. Sixth ban for forgetting what you said when it was just last night. It doesn't make me a stalker if you said it explicitly. Stalking would be if I sat and looked for that information. Seventh ban because I didn't feel like writing that part. 2k needs to say so then. Don't put words in their mouth. Eighth ban because where is the evidence? Show me the evidence. Ninth ban because this is getting so excessively out of hand. Tenth ban because I don't even know why I'm still typing. lmao

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Banned because I already sold it to Myst.

Banned because help. This is too much. XD
Banned because then why are you giving me your life?

Banned because you wanted it.

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Banned because I'm actually editing it more right now. I'm glad you're practicing your English though. Maybe your grammar will improve too by doing this. :p Double banned because it's for ending your sentences with a fabulous little flourish~ Tripled banned because that's biased. Quadruple banned because I do not talk crazy. Where's your proof? Fifth ban because I doubt that. Sixth ban for forgetting what you said when it was just last night. It doesn't make me a stalker if you said it explicitly. Stalking would be if I sat and looked for that information. Seventh ban because I didn't feel like writing that part. 2k needs to say so then. Don't put words in their mouth. Eighth ban because where is the evidence? Show me the evidence. Ninth ban because this is getting so excessively out of hand. Tenth ban because I don't even know why I'm still typing. lmao

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Banned because help. This is too much. XD

Banned because nothing can save you now! xD
Banned because I'm actually editing it more right now. I'm glad you're practicing your English though. Maybe your grammar will improve too by doing this. :p Double banned because it's for ending your sentences with a fabulous little flourish~ Tripled banned because that's biased. Quadruple banned because I do not talk crazy. Where's your proof? Fifth ban because I doubt that. Sixth ban for forgetting what you said when it was just last night. It doesn't make me a stalker if you said it explicitly. Stalking would be if I sat and looked for that information. Seventh ban because I didn't feel like writing that part. 2k needs to say so then. Don't put words in their mouth. Eighth ban because where is the evidence? Show me the evidence. Ninth ban because this is getting so excessively out of hand. Tenth ban because I don't even know why I'm still typing. lmao

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Banned because help. This is too much. XD

Banned because how can you edit and write paragraphs to me at the same time? Double ban because I'm not practicing my English I perfected it. Triple ban because my grammar is already as good as my personality. (It's really good) Fourth ban because is that what that squiggly line is called? ~ Fifth banned because I sampled 6,999,999 people and all of them said yes so it's not biased. Sixth ban because you talk crazy and the proof is all in this thread. Seventh ban because I'm having trouble typing this. Eighth ban because you should never doubt a Champ. Ninth ban because aw you remember what I said how cute. <3 10th ban because okay you're still a stalker because you follow me everywhere. 11th ban because a wise person never forgets. (Me) 12th ban because 2k is talking behind your back and doesn't want to say it in front of you. 13th ban because my head's about to explode. 14th ban because I'm not putting words in her mouth I'm putting something else in her mouth. 15th ban because how do you know 2k is a female. 16th ban because the evidence is all on these papers that you wrote. 17th ban because I agree. 18th ban because I'm typing a essay to you. 19th ban because I banned you nine more times then you did. Get roasted.

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Banned because you wanted it.

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Banned because nothing can save you now! xD

Banned because why would I want your life with no soul?
Banned because how can you edit and write paragraphs to me at the same time? Double ban because I'm not practicing my English I perfected it. Triple ban because my grammar is already as good as my personality. (It's really good) Fourth ban because is that what that squiggly line is called? ~ Fifth banned because I sampled 6,999,999 people and all of them said yes so it's not biased. Sixth ban because you talk crazy and the proof is all in this thread. Seventh ban because I'm having trouble typing this. Eighth ban because you should never doubt a Champ. Ninth ban because aw you remember what I said how cute. <3 10th ban because okay you're still a stalker because you follow me everywhere. 11th ban because a wise person never forgets. (Me) 12th ban because 2k is talking behind your back and doesn't want to say it in front of you. 13th ban because my head's about to explode. 14th ban because I'm not putting words in her mouth I'm putting something else in her mouth. 15th ban because how do you know 2k is a female. 16th ban because the evidence is all on these papers that you wrote. 17th ban because I agree. 18th ban because I'm typing a essay to you. 19th ban because I banned you nine more times then you did. Get roasted.

Banned because it's called multiple tabs and multitasking. Double banned because why can I still catch some of your mistakes every now and then, hm? Triple banned for getting arrogant. Fourth banned because it's called a "tilde". I was just explaining its usage in my own terms. Fifth banned because where? Sixth banned because where? Seventh banned for having trouble typing this when you have supposed "perfect English and grammar skills". Eighth banned because I don't think you're a Champ. Ninth ban because I have a slight obsession with timezones. Don't flatter yourself. That and ages. I like figuring them out. Tenth banned because I was here first. You follow me everywhere. :p Eleventh banned because you call yourself wise yet you forgot that you even revealed your timezone to me. Twelfth banned because I am going to ask 2k about that. Thirteenth banned because I agree. Fourteenth banned because o_O Fifteenth banned because I just know. Sixteenth banned because I forgot what that's even referring to. Seventeenth banned because you agreed with me. Eighteenth banned for typing an essay to me. Nineteenth banned for excessive banning. Twentieth banned because can we stop this already? lmao
Banned because thank you ^-^
Also banned because I finally remembered my wattpad password.

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Banned because I never had a soul, but don't tell Myst...

Banned because np!
Ohmigosh, you use WP too!

I saw that. *glares*